Update 21 March 2024
Research files supporting what is written below are available for perusal at the following site,"
If there is one common phenomenon affecting every nation in these turbulent days, it is localized floods. They are everywhere. Pakistan last year had the biggest and worst in a while. The rainstorms causing the floods are often accompanied by exceedingly strong gales or hurricanes. These floods are not of "Biblical Proportions", but they are probably a phenomenon Jesus of Nazareth would characterize as "The Days of Noah" that would occur sometime before 'The Day of the Lord' which is an apocalyptic period where God judges the nations for rejecting Him.
The Bible uses fig trees to describe the nations and Israel is one of them. In fact, Israel gets by far the biggest 'press' in the Bible although others are mentioned such as Egypt, Cush-Africa, Persia, (part of modern Iran) and Tarshish and its 'villages' or colonies etc. In the meantime, we are all getting drenched because there is so much water vapor in the air. Widespread volcanic activity is evidence that the globe's core is getting warmer. In turn, that heat is warming up the oceans. However, even before all this the globe's ambient temperature of about 15 degrees has been melting ice everywhere. So that more water whether as vapor or as icebergs calving off the polar icecaps or as melting glaciers has to be stored somewhere. Eventually, it will be returned to the massive underground caverns which the Bible tells us the water for Noah's Flood initially emanated. The catastrophe initiated a cycle of rain, snow, water vapor and volcanic heat and gases, turning the pre-Flood environment into quite a different shape with snow-capped mountains, two polar icecaps, a significantly lowered global ambient temperature, yet still positive or above the freezing point of water, and a different mix of atmospheric gases. For example, there is now more nitrogen and less carbon dioxide in the air and probably a different proportion of other gases in the atmosphere.
The main point is, we are now at the fag-end of that Noahic Crisis (2500 BC). And it came following about 1500 years after Adam's sin of disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Thus, it is very interesting from a Biblical point of view that we have just passed six millennia since the fall of Adam. In both Jewish and Christian thinking over the ages, the equation that a day, with God, is as a thousand years has been considered. And that might explain why God rested on the Seventh Day because that means we also shall at long last receive rest from the turmoil of the last 6000 years. However, that is only for those who believe God and, on His terms, not ours. All that is described in a paper one is updating for the files in the URL above, but the main point here is that a pre-Second Coming event in the Bible colloquially known as 'The Rapture', occurs in the "Days of Noah" and in the "Days of Lot" that Jesus of Nazareth only referred to in two passages.
They appear to be in Matthew 24:37-41 (Days of Noah only) and Luke 17:26-36. In both texts, that event is either "a day that only the Father knows" (Matthew) or a "Day of the Son of Man that His disciples would not see" (Luke 17:22). Most observers overlook such distinctions. But they are very important because everyone knows when the Second Coming occurs (The last day of the 'Apocalypse' or 'Day of the Lord') but only God knows when He will send His Son to fetch His bride (the true believers in his "church") and although Jesus' AD 30 disciples would not see it, nevertheless be in it as deceased saints but a later generation will see it in their lifetime meaning of course they would still be alive when 'called-up' so to speak.
Many observers including the Oxford Dictionary, Strong's Concordance, most theologians and Christian folk who take some interest in the subject refer to the Rapture as "the Parousia" which is a Greek word meaning to come, be present or even appear. The trouble is that Matthew used Parousia to describe both the Second Coming then the Rapture. His fellow synoptic gospel scribes did not use Parousia at all when writing about the same events and Paul used the word both for appearances of Jesus and mundane people such as Titus or Stephanos and other folk coming to see himself or him going to see others. He even used it of the Antichrist's coming. A proper discussion of the event requires analysis of at least 80 New Testament texts bearing in mind that most of the information about the Second Coming to save Israel from the Antichrist is written in the Old Testament and in the main part of the Olivet Discourse in the first three gospels in the New Testament.
Unfortunately, misconceptions about the Parousia emanate from the identification of the Church from Israel i.e., saying they are the same congregation when they are quite different bodies with two quite different histories and prophecies albeit any Jewish or Church saint is always saved on the same basis. Hence the general tendency to combine the Rapture-Parousia with the Second Coming. Failure of the theologians to understand the proper basis for the Bible's Prophecy and History allied with the scientists' errors in the causes of global warming has obfuscated the proper understanding of, or background to, the Days of Noah. An identification of the Days of Lot with sexual impropriety is a subject not as badly treated by theologians however they do fail to connect that with the events in the Garden immediately following Adam's and Eve's consumption at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
One of the most enduring and long-running themes in the Bible concerns the Last or Latter days. Daniel the prophet was told to write on scrolls what he saw and heard but not to expect to understand what he was writing because nobody would be able to do so until the "Days when knowledge and travels are increased" (Daniel 12:4 & 9). Economists who specialize in the economics of technology, science and innovation are well aware our times have seen an unparalleled growth in those areas. Proper science understands that a catastrophe of some sort occurred to cause the Flood and that is compatible with the Bible's account and with some other ancient literature on the event. It is known, for example, from ancient Greek accounts as the "Flood of Deucalion". However, that source also refers to the Flood of Ogyges but that related to the parting of the Red Sea in 1485 BC (or thereabouts). Only the Bible can put these events into their proper context, sequence and chronology.
Accompanying "The Days of Noah" in the latter times, Jesus also referred to "nation against nation" which is a type of war situation most aptly described as civil war except that it is of the worst kind when even within families there are ongoing feuds which erupt from time to time in fighting. The most important description of this in the Bible is found in the text of the First Gog-Magog invasion of Israel (Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16). It would now appear that will also occur in the Days of Noah. Among other things it involves fire coming down from Heaven to destroy Israel's invading enemies. If that implies meteors, then in some way that is doubly appropriate for the very word to describe climate is 'meteor-ology'. Historians will understand that.
The conclusion for now is that falsification of science and history and corruption in theology is hiding the true significance of the heavy rainfall of our day and the floods that ensue from it. Only Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of Man of Palm 8:4 can resolve all the dilemmas. Meanwhile, certain manipulators are using crises to engineer a false claimant as 'the Christ' or Messiah' of Israel, i.e., the Antichrist, who will attempt to rule the world from Babylon as Alexander the Macedonian hoped to do before he died from malaria and inebriation.
Thus, we are the first generation to understand the context of the Nazarene's "Days of Noah" and that world-wide flood of 2500 BC and its long-run implications for our current meteorological crisis.
Today (14/7/22), we paraphrase something a former Governor of Arkansas (1979-92) said (but about the Economy). So, let's look at 'The Institution' now (c.f., The Academy). It's most bizarre modern failure has been to let the Ukraine crisis not only erupt but wantonly and destructively bubble on. You would think they had learned from their lessons about the origins of WWI which broke out about 60 years before the WWW. Kiev even seems to be preparing a million man offensive to secure the modern nation-state's main Black Sea Ports. That gives some hope, one supposes, to 800 million people threatened with starvation by the Kremlin's antics in the UN Security Council. Ukrainian bravery seems to have appreciated UK PM Boris Johnson's enthusiastic support. But his parliamentary colleagues seem to have effectively concurred with the Kremlin and pulled their away their support for him.
Johnson's fall; crowds milling around the palaces of the Sri Lankan PM and President; Sudanese democrats jamming up Khartoum; the 6th January 2021 storming of the Capitol; the UN's failure to stand up to the Kremlin in the Security Council, Beijing abstaining while supposedly championing itself as an an epitome of culture but timidly going along with their neighbor's nihilistic antics; Mali, Nigeria, Congo-Kinshasa, Rwanda and Uganda unable to control gangs of either religious madmen or looters causing mayhem across the international borders; Myanmar's vicious militia (backed by Beijing); one could go on and on: All remind us of something John Lennon and his Beatles once sang about; i.e., The Institutions. In the lyrics, their 1967 hit song listed revolution, evolution, a real solution (but Lennon's clever diction leaves the listener with 'resolution') constitution; and finally, institution.
This is a good place to consider these pages' major concern which is to make sense of History, Archaeology and Science in the world's past. present and future but using the written Word of God, The Bible, to do that. Fundamentally, the institutions are not working well at all. Their own people are saying that. One could say that's always been the case. However, the stance here is that it is one section of the institutions (principally 'The Academy'); the one that supplies all the others with those educated enough to administer and operate them; slavishly adopting as 'hard fact' and 'paradigm' one particular 'idea'. It dominates all their thinking and is never critically analyzed. One refers here, "you know", to 'Evolution' or one of the points listed in Lennon's song : "You say its Evolution".
In all probability, in the highest echelons and corridors of the academic institutions, they realize the 'molecules-to-man' evolutionary theory is nuts. Still, it can be used as a null hypothesis because true science always needs one. To that extent one supports its use. However, one humbly suggests they could improve it a bit. Evidently NASA is trying to do that by showing those early primitive cells, amoeba or "molecules" evolved somewhere else and arrived here in the tails of comets or on meteors. Unofficially, the proper label for the idea of evolution is now the 'Higgs-Boson to man theory of evolution'. The amazing array of sub-sub-atomic particles they keep 'discovering' may even come from alternative universes (C.E.R.N). They never ask if perhaps the other 'universe' is God's "Heaven". The James Webb telescope, the cosmologists' new toy up in space just provided even stronger evidence that God originally created the Universe for the angels also created with an ability to traverse its wonders. It is not designed for us except to give us yet another demonstration of God's Glory. But they don't want to know that. They are the people Apostle Paul wrote about in the Book of Romans (first chapter) who worship and adore the creation and their own talents, which are considerable, rather than the One who gave them all that. They all persist with the idea the universe and everything in it it evolved from Sir Fred Hoyle's sarcastic remark about "The Big Bang" . Although in reading Genesis 1:1 is there any harm summarizing the verse as that?
Concerning 'Evolution', the author's "Five E's and C's" chime in nicely here. Essentially, they are 'paradigm' issues. Therefore one can see why the 'Institution' is in such deep trouble and has been at least since the Beatles' release of "Revolution". Initially, "Hey Jude" over-shadowed "Revolution". In one's Key Events Papers three '"E's and C's" are discussed but more recent events have necessitated the addition of two more. Briefly, the quintet galls like this:
(1) Evolution and Creation. In these pages we support the latter and the right and privilege of followers of the former to argue their case because that's the stuff of science. If only their camp would be gracious enough to let us have a say. Specifically, one follows the Creation & Fall account as recorded across the entire corpus of the sometimes-called 'Protestant Bible' (i.e., Old Testament, New Testament but excluding the Apocrypha of the Vatican Bibles). One rider to that is the need to read that entire corpus in its Hebrew original for the Old Testament (extant in the Masoretic text) and Putative but so far non-extant Hebrew original for the New Testament. By and large, the Hebrew lying behind the Greek texts can be inferred. That 'rider' applies only to deeper analysis and mainly for situations where a translation into a foreign language is unreliable or even impossible. For example where the secondary language has an insufficient lexicon, an inappropriate script or lacks necessary grammar rules.
So with a proper canvas of the Biblical text we see that in Genesis 1:1 the Bible describes one creation (The Universe and all its contents); then two falls (the angelic then adamic); then additional creative acts for Satan (prior to the universe's), great sea monsters, Man, even 'evil' and 'darkness' had to be "created" (Isaiah 45:7). Mostly, however, the Hebrew verb to 'create' is used for the nation of Israel (on about 40 occasions). The first two chapters of Genesis mainly cover the re-formatting of this terrestrial sphere in the wake of the destruction brought about by the judgement on the angelic rebellion (Ezekiel 28:12ff) some 4.5 billion years ago - a figure that is open to debate. The Dark Matter that neither absorbs, reflects nor emits light, Black Holes which presumably at least 'absorb' light etc., currently mystify the cosmologists. From the Bible's data we can point to the judgement of the rebellious Satan and his angels in circa 4.5 Billion BC. Before that, the Universe had been created and established as a "Steady State" (as Sir Fred Hoyle coined the term). Einstein squared his 'C' constant to produce E=MC2.
(2) Egyptology and Chronology. Very well canvassed in one's papers, this is the issue of the falsified chronology that bedevlls not only Egypt's History but all others as well, especially to the west of the Himalayas.
(3) Environmentalism and Carbon and Climate Change. Specifically here the paradigm that global warming is the result of over-burning of carbon-based fossil fuels. This paradigm is especially idiosyncratic because it goes against all known knowledge about carbon being inhaled or exhaled for different purposes by all animals and plants. Unless all that pre-21st Century science was a load of cobblers. Worse, it ignores the catastrophe that the Bible, Dr Immanuel Velikovsky and most ancient legends and histories refer to as being the cause of the 'Ice Age'. The Bible explains that the Earth has been withheld and protected from such catastrophes to allow for the Biblically-prophesied development of the 'Last Four Empires' to fit the Six Millennia = Six Day Plan time-slot God has given Man. In order to prevent "all flesh from being destroyed" (Matthew 24:22) by Man's experiment in consuming the 'fruit' of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden, a mere six thousand years has been allotted to the 'project'. Details about the 'Last Four Empires' are mostly found in the writings of the Prophet Daniel and are amplified quite a lot in Revelation ("Apocalypso" in Greek). The empires mentioned were (approximate or putative dates only): Babylon (circa 600-550 BC); Persia (circa 550-350 BC); Greece (circa 350-100 BC); and Rome (100BC -) which finally transfers back to Babylon (AD 2031-38?) in its very last stage.
(4) 'Ealth (health; apologies for tweaking a wee bit of etymological engineering there) and Covid. This pandemic has exposed the inadequacies of the evolutionary paradigms that make scientists think they know how and why strings of RNA entered the environment or biosphere. RNA did not evolve from the Higgs-Boson Particle to later form left-spiralling and right-spiralling strands of DNA double helixes (proteins and enzymes) which now curl around themselves (apparently). God created them; and holds the Creation together in such ways. The proper or originally ordained role for RNA was to stitch together a female and a male strand or string of DNA, inside a placenta-lined womb, and form out of them one new but different DNA-based offspring (normally clearly either male or female). RNA stitches up a new person, animal or plant because God created them to do that. But RNA running wild in the environment has somehow become a curse instead of remaining inside a placenta or a living being where RNA continues its messaging until the creature dies. Perhaps Adam's sin that led to death in the first place meant that RNA would inevitably escape into the wider environment where it is now becoming so pervasive that the 'Game' would seem to be 'Set-March and Over' so that before long no flesh is going to survive for reasons pertaining to that situation with 'viruses'. Ironically, even computer engineers are losing their war against viruses.
(5) Etymology and Creolization. Language is the stuff of science, mathematics, engineering, computer codes, algorithms, RNA, DNA, etc. One can really mess things up by haphazardly altering languages. The Tower of Babel began with everyone speaking the same language (Hebrew). The project came to a blinding halt with language problems although it's possible the Biblical record accounts for a catastrophe that stopped that technical project. That's when language creolization crept in and that was that! Most countries have quite sensible approaches to protecting their indigenous languages especially, though imperfectly, in the UK. In the isolation of the islands of the New Sea Land in the South Pacific or Northern Southern Ocean; and in its much larger neighboring island-continent more than a thousand kilometers to the west following close behind; creolization is creating havoc. But all that only takes us back to Babel and the Bible.
End Interlude
So, long before the Fall of 'Christendom' in Europe after the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and its 'peace' Treaty of Westphalia, the continent, or at least its western part, post 1000 BC, had been under the domination of Kurdo-Chaldean-Celts, Phoenicians from Tyre (Dorians), Sidon (Macedonians) and Byblos prior to Rome's ascendancy. Those groups probably set in train the fulfillment of Genesis (9:27). After the (First) Fall of Rome, in fact gradually from about half-way through its decline phase, the empire's theology changed from paganism into christendomity. The church-state link moved from Caesar to Christ.
But 'Christendom' or Messiahdom quickly developed its rival wings. Firstly, the Jewish folk who adhered to Mosaic traditions. Secondly and thirdly the Roman Catholicism and its rival the Eastern Orthodox churches (considered the First Christian churches). More recently (from AD 700) the Muslims and their version of 'messiah' or like modern post-temple Judaism pairing of a Mahdi-Messiah and a 'Jesus' in effect adding two more messiahs into the mix. Hence the term 'Christendom' because 'Christ' is the closest Greek equivalent to the Hebrew Moshiach (Messiah). After the 'christ' of the West and East churches; the only thing actually unifying them; and the two Messiahs (Son of Joseph and Son of David) the orthodox Jews now look to, Mormons, Bahai folk and Yamadis in Pakistan came up with even more messiahs. But none of these wings of what should be better termed "Messiahdom" really adheres to a strict Biblical analysis. "Messiahdom" is a mis-understanding of Biblical texts without reference to the Hebrew sources. The Romans and Muslims, in their anti-Semitism, probably destroyed any scarce Jewish New Testaments that survived the period. So we are left with the responsibility of interpreting the Chaldean, Greek, Syrian or Latin New Testament scrolls that have survived to outr times through Hebrew Old Testament (Tanaakh) Masoretic texts.
That's why we are now in the position of the Daniel 12:4 & 9 days where we can really help scientists understand what they are looking at as they plummet the depths of the microcosm and canvas the expanses of the Universe. Until recently, they have been getting so much nonsense from the theologians that they really have given up even trying to listen. To that extent one sympathizes with them. To some extent one accepts an apology of some sort is perhaps due.
However, historians have not been helping either. 'Christendom' and its institutions in Europe should be considered in the context of the ancient regimes that had dominated much of the continent. Before the institutions of Rome and Christendom, the region was a wild-west free-for-all. A long way from world governments of the pre-Christian era (Babylon, India, China, the Americas), the retreating ice cap offered many new 'opportunities' for emigres from the restrictive and bureaucratic government sectors. Amazonia is perhaps an example of that today. The earliest exporters and developers of the European continent did what Africans today accuse Europeans of having done to Africa in recent centuries. However in AD 1648, after Westphalia, in the extrication from "messiahdom's" shackles, the baby of proper Hebrew-based Biblical 'Christianity' sank from visibility with the muddy bathwater of the rest. However, a bit like suppressed genes in plant and livestock breeding, disciples of the proper Nazarene Christ are still around and active either potentially or kinetically, as one can see here.
But it took 'Westphalia', the fore-runner to the League of Nations and UN, nearly two centuries before it began disrupting thinking with the evolutionist theories of Lamarck then Darwin. A few decades before that, Westphalia began a move to secular republicanism by removing the monarchy from France and the thirteen colonies of the British in North America from monarchy and its "Divine Right of Kings". Instead, they set up two constitution-laden regimes in the First French republic (they are now into their fifth) and the USA. France and the 'Etats-Unis' were supposed to be models for administering the new knowledge base ('science' and ultimately Secular Humanist Evolutionist Materialism (S.H.E.M-ism). As the US is now revealing, the problems with constitutions have led to a nasty war between the public and the treasured Supreme Court which correctly says it has no business telling women what to do with their bodies especially vis-a-vis abortion. The states should be legislating for that, unless as John Lennon sang, you need to change the constitution. Apparently, that's a no-no in USA. despite all their 'Amendments' That would need a revolution. As Lennon warned, "count me out" if you are going to do that with "minds that hate". Indeed as some of his songs said, "real solutions" are composed of little more than 'resolutions' and "mind games".
One is quoting the late John Lennon here, and credit to him, because you might listen to him whereas, even though the Bible says it a lot better. The churches now (for the most part) are at best only lukewarm adherents to the Bible's texts. Lennon also write, " We'd all love to see the plan". The Bible outlines two. One is God's and the other Satan's. These plans can be fleshed out from a proper canvas of the Biblical texts that requires at least some Hebrew perspective and understanding thereof but most importantly the all-guiding Holy Spirit of God is required. The latter is only open and available to the believer. Unbelievers can learn a lot from the Bible even so. Unfortunately, as passages such as Daniel 12:4 & 9 state, even spirit-filled believers would not be able to fathom some texts until the Last Days.
So here we are. Among those hard-to-fathom texts were the words of the Apostle Paul in II Thessalonians 2:7, when He advised the institutions that restrain iniquity and lawlessness would one day be removed and that would be on the eve of the Antichrist-666 stage of the Fourth Empire. Since some of us have a very good idea who that may be; and as we see all the policing instructions shut up shop largely because of lack of money and resources; today's chaos is coming as no surprise at all.
The so-called 'Millennium Goals' established around AD 2001, after an initial short period of some success, have collapsed. 800 million starving people is one tenth of the globe's human population. There are more wars today than ever. So the institutions are not doing their job. In the frustration, it's little wonder groups of people are taking the law into their own hands. It's the poison of evolutionism in the institutions that is killing things. Instead of graciously accepting God created the universe and microcosm, the institutions spend far too many resources (money) and talents on proving otherwise. Via energy sales, Far too much money has been transferred to the Kremlin to develop fire-power to destroy countries, infrastructure and all (Georgia, Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine).
So these things are all part of the Satanic Plan outlined in the Bible to prepare the way for the last stage of Daniel's Fourth Empire. Out of the chaos will emerge Satan's savior-son, preceded by a false prophet in an unholy triumvirate that will pick up the challenge The Holy Triune God put in His Plan in Jeremiah 31:37. In another song, the Late John Lennon wrote in Bring on the Lucie (Freda the Peeple), "666 is your name .. but we don't wanna play your game". Unlike most commentators, Lennon was spot on in realizing the Antichrist's name had to enumerate to 666 (from the Hebrew only). However, like most commentators the institutions etc. , in rejecting God, well in his case publicly anyway, he did end up playing that game albeit unintentionally. That's where most people are, sadly. The people need to be freed. Only the "Son of Man" of Psalm 8:4 can do that. The New Testament of the Bible has a lot of easy-for-anyone reading to find out how. God Bless.
Update 20/5/22
The crisis in Eastern Ukraine rumbles on. It threatens to expand to Moldova and into world food supply shortages. The latter especially affecting the invader-nations mentioned in the Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 prophecy. The North Atlantic Tarshish Organization (N.A.T.O.) is expanding. "Migdol", meaning a 'tower' in Hebrew was ancient Israel's nick-name for the former pre-Roman Tyre, her colonies (Tarshish) and fortifications (turreted-tyrreted castles) dotting landscapes from Malaya to the British Isles (northern Israel also). A namesake of the first person (a Syro-Phoenician or Tyrian woman) to first behold the risen-from-the-dead Jesus of Nazareth, another "Magdalena", is today's Ms Andersson, Prime Minister of Sweden, who has announced the return of a former power player in the Thirty Years War (1618-48) into the Tyre-Tarshish flock. Even Latin America's Colombia, which straddles two Oceans in the South American Continent, has a Magdalena River flowing into the Atlantic at the port city of Carthage-Cartagena. That suggests ancient links with the pre-Roman maritime hegemony that first operated out of the Levantine cities of Tyre, Sidon and Byblos (in modern Lebanon) before its expansion or 'colonization'. It also suggests how far-reaching modern N.A.T.O's expansion might extend in modern times. One can see from other nations' perspectives, e.g., Russia, some are definitely wondering how far this process will go. The Bible tells them but nearly everyone is loathe to investigate its commentary. This is germane to one's aim in this blog to "Harmonize Information with the Bible".
However, this week it was news from Mars that was threatening to "re-write history books regardless of the answer to (the question) is there life on Mars". The N.A.S.A. spokesperson added, "We know there are 'organics' on Mars". They also claim to know liquids of some nature have flowed on Mars but they are quick to assume that means 'water'! In the first Planet of the Apes film, the late Charlton Heston and his team headed for Mars as the world was at war with itself. A space-time warp returned them to Earth after it had been through some massive disaster, assumed to have been a nuclear exchange arising out of the conflict they thought they had left behind. Reality dawned on them when they came across The Statue of Liberty half-buried under hundreds of meters of sand. Fortunately we have the Bible to tell what is happening now on our run of the film. Some people are even suggesting we are playing out someone's 'metaverse' designed by someone in another universe. One might even argue that is happening. But it is the Triune God, Jehovah-Yahweh the Father, Yeshua-Jesus of Nazareth the Son and the Holy Spirit of God who set up this His Story (History) in this Universe. God foreknew all that we know and has given us some glimpses into the outcomes. The "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" as the "Oracles of God" in the Bible say, who created our universe, has done so according to a Plan (Will or Testament). God designed the Universe and its vast reaches for the angelic beings created before it. God latterly re-formatted the Earth after the angelic rebellion, re-designing only the Earth for the lowly Man and the biosphere we operate in today. But God also restricted us to activity solely on this terra firma in that biosphere. However, using machinery, we can observe something of the nature and history of some of the rest of the fallen universe.
What is intriguing about NASA's latest red-planet prognostications is that it publicly adopts a binary position on the issue. That is, life either existed on Mars, or did not, in some form or other at one time or another. This observer knows that it really is investigating a third option. That is life is or has been on Mars in some form but that it came from Earth via some known transmissions. The agents were the Gallivanting Planets, a label or term borrowed from the London Economist (December 21st - January 3rd 2020). However, much earlier, Immanuel Velikovsky wrote about the solar system's instability in Worlds in Collision and Earth in Upheaval in the early 1950's. His Mankind in Amnesia partly explained why the science fraternity (or mafia) rejected him but the Bible's accurate analysis of those issues is what is really driving modern world sciences' antipathy to Velikovsky's research. The clever doctor with Einstein's assistance when they were colleagues at Princeton University is known to the folk at NASA. However, like the London Economist, NASA is avoiding any accreditation to Velikovsky. That's arrogance to some extent but in one point of agreement with Velikovsky the others share a mutual abhorrence of much that the Bible says on other matters outside celestial mechanics, the biosphere etc. Nor do they like the Bible's prophecies preferring their own polemics and propaganda.
In New Scientist, 31 May 1997, editors published an artist's impression of an ion stream stringing out from Venus to within a million kilometers of Earth. That confirmed Velikovsky's prediction the rogue planet moving on a different plane to the rest of the planets and is actually an humungous comet captured by the Sun's gravity, according to Velikovsky's estimate, circa 2500-1500 BC not millions of years BC per The Economist. With Mars and Mercury already expelled from Jupiter or perhaps Saturn, probably before Jupiter spewed out Venus as the ancient statues of pagan idols show, the history and science books of the geologists and paleontologists in particular, and many other 'sciences' too, will need radical re-writes. So as Mars' most recent mechanized visitor noses its NASA wheels and companion chopper around a "lake" that looks more like a giant rounded crater it will drill for some soil samples and pick up some rocks that hopefully can be brought to Earth. It's not clear whether another robot or machine will do that or humans will. Once the Martian samples are delivered here, scientists can compare them with the rocks Captain Robert Falcon Scott carted back from Antarctica's south polar plateau (1911-12). There, desert conditions prevailing allowed for easy collection of many meteorites from the "Moon and Mars" (Pennsylvania State University Expedition circa 1990, un published lecture delivered to US and NZ scientists at the American Embassy Auditorium). As the US Embassy Economist and this observer attending that lecture noted, it was a 'Velikovsky event'. Certainly it sparked off an intense and agitated exchange of opinions between the two teams of scientists in attendance. The diplomats separated the warring parties by closing the evening! A pity they have not done better to forestall the Ukraine Crisis.
In summary (for today), while war rages on in Ukraine, destroying vast investments, intra- and internecine war is erupting in the circles of Mr Biden's "Bedrock of Science", exposing it as more of a marshmallow. Their background paradigm of neo-Darwinian evolution is hopelessly at odds with its basic explanations or attempts thereat. They are how chemicals "cooperated" to evolve into RNA then DNA strings of amino acids to code for proteins and enzymes, their 'helixes' spiraling, twisting or folding in opposite directions from each other. It's time for everyone who is not already doing so to look at or read Psalm 111:10, Isaiah 29:14, I Corinthians 1:19-20 and 3:19. If people are inclined to agree they might care to read the rest of the Bible and absorb its messages of hope, salvation (physical and soteriological), love, true faith, etc.
On 29/4/22 one wrote:
Today we heard the UN Secretary-General; whose surname Mr Guterres (pronounced Gu-Terresh) also echoes the names of Tyre and her daughter nations of Tarshish; describe conditions in Mariupol as an "Apocalypse". Again, like the unfortunate Ukrainian woman in the next paragraph, we have Biblical concepts or names wrongly being applied to the current world situation. Years ago this observer issued a press release through PR-GB stating that unusual floods in England in circa 2006 could not be of "Biblical proportions" because there would not be people left to report on them. Yet the plethora of eschatological terms being dragged out of the Bible, for many years now suggests there are people who are keeping at least one finger in the Good Book's pages. That merely shows its statements about people being blind to Biblical messages in the Last of the Last Days before the Son of God returns to govern world affairs are now being fulfilled. Also today, as the North Atlantic Tarshish Organization (NATO) and its South East Asian Tarshish Organization (SEATO) partner slug it out with Russia smashing Ukraine to bits making it of no use to any winner or loser, Turkey's President Erdogan (etymologically G'-t-og-an) has changed direction. He has forgiven Saudi Arabia's MBS for chopping up Mr Adnan Kashoggi into a number of pieces in Istanbul and is currently engaging in a fence mending exercise in the Middle East. With both Russia and the West otherwise engaged now is a good time for the former Ottoman super-power to exercise its muscles once again in the Middle East. We are watching these latest developments with interest from an Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 perspective (mentioned below in the fourth paragraph in the 27 February - 16 March 2022 update). No one understands what any of the main actors here are thinking in all these ructions but Ezekiel 38:10 says, "at the same time shall things come into thy mind and thou shalt think an evil thought". It is still not clear which, if any, of today's actors is thinking that. We might find out soon or in a few years time. While nearly everyone believes in the idea of evolution, we at least are acting scientifically in noting that this will be a good test of one of our models based on the Bible. We also must have faith in what we believe just like the evolutionists who believe the complexities of RNA, DNA, Quarks, Leptons and Bosons blindly and unthinkingly 'evolved'.
On 28 March we heard an elderly Ukrainian refugee declare Vladimir Putin is the Antichrist (666). One can deeply sympathize with that desperate lady. However, the Russian President's name adds up to 751 on one count or 1154 by another depending on the way one treats the letter 'T' in Putin's name. That does not obviate or avoid the possibility or indeed probability the Antichrist-666 is among us - somewhere. Either way his name is nowhere near the number required by Revelation 13:18 which is the case for the candidate we are aware of.
As one noted in the March 17 Update, there is evidence a candidate for this '666' identity is growing up within the countries of the daughter nations of ancient Tyre. It was the famous Levantine city whose ships plied the world's oceans in the millennium before the Roman Empire. Ancient Tyre's maritime hegemony controlled much the same set of sea-gates held by Britain in AD 1900. Recently, one of its ports went up in smoke in an ammonium fertilizer dump exploding (Beirut or House of Tyre). Like 9/11/01, the towers in Tyre's port turned to dust (Ezekiel 26:4). The true 'King of Tyre' according to the Jewish prophet Ezekiel was Satan ("The anointed Cherub"). Oddly enough, one European statesman still on speaking terms with the Kremlin leader, Monsieur Immanuel Macron (or 'The Great God with us), has a name that does add up to '333'. Tongue in cheek one might suggest the world may be halfway on its journey to meeting its Antichrist-666.
One of the issues emerging with force from the oceans of ideas is the need for a new post-Bretton Woods world order. China's involvement in any new world governance regime frequently arises in such discussion. However, it dies not matter how much we change world governments, world governance or indeed World Government, the underlying paradigms being used to describe world problems i.e., the seven theories of evolutionism, are all fundamentally unsound. Western Science has fallen under the control of evolutionist zealots. They form an elite not unlike the autocrats and oligarchs of Russia and China. The world views of all these land on the same space as extreme Muslim fundamentalists on the spectrum of extremism.
The Bible's perspective via the lens of Creation and Fall properly explains the problems all governments face. The Bible presents a world view from the perspective of its Creator. At least it is realistic. Furthermore, at least for its believers and defenders, The Holy Bible has a good outcome in the end. Meanwhile, the entire globe finds itself under the spell of an autocracy of crazies: in The Kremlin, Pyongyang, The Hindus of Delhi (perhaps), Beijing, Eastern Science, Western Science, Middle Eastern (or -Western from an Eastern perspective) science (or Academy); the Bible set apart. The systems of pantheism, panentheism or paganism in many 'indigenous' cultures pose anarchist threats because anything can mean everything under those world views. This latter group will enjoy far less, if any, autonomy under any of the others mentioned here. The Western system has us in trepidation because carbon supposedly causes climate change. They have us in a panic under a fear of viruses when we have long been dealing with them, with varying degreses of success or failure, in the fields of human and animal health. We are not so used to them in terms of computer system health. They are rightly very alarmed at the pollution especially of micro plastics plaguing the world. But Isaiah 24:5 predicted this mess away back in 700 BC.
And thereby tells a tale as we are reminded God warned Adam to leave alone the Tree of Knowledge and Evil, actually a computer like ours now, i.e., the one in Eden. But Adam ate from it using his finger ("touch") and "eyes" (not mouth). He ate in exactly the same way as modern users of the ubiquitous smart phone. The Great Flood of 2500 BC destroyed man's attempt to re-create the computer. The Tower of Babel put a stop to man's next attempt at conquering knowledge for himself. Now we have got back to Eden (almost, '@'). The data or knowledge is not the problem but the way people manipulate it. For two years now heightened fears of the Corona Virus; fed by highly selective use of some of the relevant data and starved of other relevant data presenting a more sober view of the perceived dangers; have driven the Global Warming Crisis off the Agenda. The Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine is also driving the issue of the over-heating globe back under the waves. Worse, the implications of the Kremlin's conflict underline just how precarious is the international move to alternative, non carbin-based sources of energy.
Actually, deep under the oceans is where the real drivers of global warming are coming from. The heat from the globe's core continues to put pressure on the ocean's heat. Warmer oceans undermine polar ice shelves jutting out into the ocean but more importantly heat the atmosphere enabling it to carry more heat-trapping water vapor in every cubic meter. The Earth's atmosphere, probably damaged or put into its current disequilibrium in the heat exchange process during the catastrophe that led to the Great Flood, has since 2500 BC been absorbing too much heat. In turn it has been disabled from properly and fully emitting heat surpluses at night. The Earth's core stores the excess heat but has a limited capacity for that task. A massive explosion of a Tongan volcano (15/1/22) is further evidence of that increasing pressure. It's now underwater too. Heat waves from the tropics reached the two poles (North and South) raisning temperatures there by 40 degrees (26/3/22). As northern European mariners and explorers have known for 1500 years now, the ice is steadily retreating in the far north; as we now know because of these processes. Captain James Cook sailed down to Antarctica for the Royal Society in the mid 17th century to see what might be happening in the far south. And so we are in the "Days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-7). There is much more rain and more wind. There are bigger volcanos and many more earthquakes. The Days of Noah will be the days of the Rapture of the Church of the Christ-Messiah. The Apocalypse comes next and it ends in the defeat of Antichrist and the physical and soteriological redemption and salvation of Israel.
The public must understand it is no good for governments to listen to scientists trying to explain our problems in terms of Evolutionism. Much of their data is useful. However, their models, explanations and conclusions are much less to be desired. The ice did not form 44 million years ago but 4500 years ago in The Great Flood of Noah, orchestrated by the Creator, God Himself, because of the level of depravity ("Days of Lot") and wickedness in that ancient 'Day of Noah'. That prompted Jesus the Nazarene to prophesy in AD 30 that the Last Days would be characterized by the "Days of Noah". God the Creator, and manager of the catastrophes, worked out these consequences in advance. After all, He should know. No world-wide flood this time (or in this era) but a sort of rewind as the environment reaches a new equilibrium; or returns to its former equilibrium; by gradually getting on top of the ice-problem with its ambient heat accelerated perhaps by an abnormal surplus of energy coming in each day from the Sun. So as people surmise on whom the Antichrtist is, the very signals that Jesus gave; of both His intervention and the attempt by Antichrist-666 to have his seven years of infamy; are now very much in our faces. That is to say, the wave of much heavier, winds, storms (hurricanes, tornados, monsoons) and excessive dumps of rain being the evaporated ice from the polar regions (and mountainous glaciers) give us the most recent clue that the Fall of Adam cannot go much further. Irrational thinking in the Kremlin and its dreadful consequences directly focus our thinking on causes and effects. The connections are far more obtuse when it comes to the environment.
Update 17 March 2022
Today, one picks up from the last paragraph of the 27 February - 16 March 2022 update re the (Biblical) outline of world History from circa 550 BC to the end of the 'Latter Days' or, more explicitly, the 'End of the Age'. Obviously the outline one begins to analyze here is pointless if the Bible is merely a collection of ancient allegories and fables re-cycled from ages past.
The Bible's narrative concentrates on a 6000-year era concerning the Fall of Man and its direct and indirect consequences on the biosphere and on himself. However, it also points out that the Universe containing the Earth began long before the arrival of mankind. God had created the universe for angels or 'spirit' beings enabled to traverse its vast reaches. Earth began as a sort of private pad for an anointed Cherub. He excelled over fellow angels in "wisdom and beauty". A rebellion fomented among angels by this 'cherub' (Satan) led to God judging the universe. Today, we see the results in the dark matter, black holes and the detritus of asteroids and comets resulting from collisions between planets, solar systems etc.
It was within the consequences of that ancient drama (4.5 billion years BC?) that God renovated the Earth (circa 4000 BC) with a completely new environment which is the biosphere we live in. Unfortunately, it was not long before the first man placed on Earth disobeyed one simple command and brought another kind of judgement upon the reformed Earth and its biosphere. We have been struggling with that ever since. Now our economic and social systems are exacting a terrible toll on the biosphere as man's wars exact a toll on mankind's infrastructure and sanity.
Fortunately for us, the Bible intimates that for six millennia God would allow this chaos to work its way to an inevitable conclusion that God could foresee and which we can now comparatively dimly discern. The Bible lists many dramatic catastrophes and upheavals in its narrative. For example, the Great Flood in 2500 BC, The Tower of Babel chaos in 2000 BC. The destruction of the Egyptian Old Kingdom in 1500 BC. The Sun and Moon apparently standing still when the Earth itself was being upturned in 1445 BC (or thereabouts). A couple more shifts in Earth's axis occurred between circa 750 and 700 BC. God's plan for the salvation of mankind through the 'Seed of the Woman' Programme promised in Genesis 3:15 very near the beginning of the Biblical narrative, appeared to have come unstuck when Nebuchadnezzar the Chaldean-Kurd sacked Israel. The destruction of its crucial temple that had served as God's dwelling at the ceremonial services held therein served a pretext for Merneptah Ba-en-Ra Meri-Amun Hotephir-maat, successor and son of Ramesses the Great, to write, "Israel's Seed is destroyed (or castrated); the Land razed to the ground". But the 'seed' in question did in fact arrive in 7 BC. We have arrived at this date according to subsequent archaeological discoveries that threw a little more light on the Biblical data on that timing (The Incarnation). The man from that 'seed', i.e., Jesus of Nazareth or "The Nazarene", lay down his life before God on a Roman Cross in AD 30 to stand in the stead of the first Man or Adam who committed that first act of disobedience or rejection of God's advice. By imputation each one of us is designated as having done the same thing were we in Adam's place. But Jesus too the rap for each one of us.
So one of the implications of this sacrifice is that while the Son of God "dwelled among Israel" on behalf of all mankind for thirty-seven years the six millennia time-clock stopped, effectively extending the 6000-year plan to circa AD 2038. That means a series of prophecies given by The Nazarene Himself in the 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, the 13th chapter of Mark's gospel and the 21st chapter of Luke's, may well be on stream now and will pan out with ever-accelerating haste like the labor-pains of a woman in the latter stages of childbirth. Luke 17:22-37 and shorter summaries of the points therein in Matthew 24:36-42 and Mark 13:32-37, refer to the Last Day conditions for Christ's saints (the true Church of the Christ). Whereas the rest of the prophetic material in the 24th, 13th and 21st chapters of the three Gospels concern the end-times for Israel and the rest of the world as it slides into and toward the seven-year Apocalypse (the 'Book of Revelation' as it is commonly perceived).
"Models" are all the rage in modern academic circles. Actually many models go round in circles but the one we are going to posit here is a teleological time-limited and time-constrained sequence of events. It contains a mixture of facts, assumptions and approximations as all 'models' do. As examples of the facts and assumptions or approximations, one can identify from the Bible that the Antichrist-666 must be Roman from his mother's ethnicity (fact). He is assumed to die aged 37 as per the type of Isaac in 2000 BC and the true Nazarene (7 BC to AD 30) who also was 37 at death on the Cross. The Antichrist-666 approximately can be identified with the method shown in Revelation 13:18. That is to say "The number of his name" has to add up to 666 when the Roman name is transliterated into Hebrew. Only seven letters in the Roman alphabet also stand as numbers ('I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D' and 'M') whereas all 22 letters in the Hebrew aleph-beit have one specific and unique number.
Nevertheless, within those parameters, one can construct from the Bible a teleological model for what the Bible calls the Latter Days specifically identified as days when "travel and knowledge" would greatly if not exponentially increase (Daniel 12:4&9). However, the crucial starting point for this model centres on the conception and birth of the seed of Satan also mentioned in Genesis 3:15. Jesus the Nazarene is the seed of one of Eve's great great grand-daughters (Mary) just as the antichrist is of the seed of a different great great grand-daughter of our mutual mother Eve. But Antichrist's mother is Roman not Jewish or Chinese or African. There is evidence to suggest the other 'seed' which is the Antichrist-666 was conceived on 1/1/01, was born in September 2001. He received a name meaning 'majesty' from the mother at birth and adopted a surname of a step-father, as Jesus the Nazarene did, that means (cryptically) 'King of Kings'. The first name (from Roman antiquity) and the surname add up to 666 when transliterated from Latin into Hebrew. The Bible clearly points to a process by which an ever-widening circle of people understands who is this child (now twenty years old) just as it happened between 7 BC and about AD 27 in Israel regarding Jesus of Nazareth. After AD 27 it became a question of how many in Israel would accept the Nazarene as Israel's Messiah by the time the revelation or identification process pf Jesus had completed.
The parallel point in the Antichrist's life, when the world becomes aware of the identity of '666', might be AD 2030. But there is water yet to flow under the bridge. Mr Putin's attempt to challenge NATO overlooks something we susperct the Bible helps us to understand. We call NATO the "North Atlantic Tarshish Organization". However, "Tarshish" is the "daughter" of ancient Tyre. Ezekiel 28:12 points out that the real power behind the throne of ancient Tyre was Satan the anointed but fallen cherub. Satan is busy preparing everyone to accept his son as the true Christ and savior of the world. He won't appreciate Mr Putin's meddling and delusions of grandeur. Mr Putin's friends abroad will also be watching and one feels sure they may not want to receive a drubbing similar to what Mr Putin's Kremlin is walking into.
We must be careful to avoid any unnecessary observations at this point but world affairs currently operating may well be doing so from the perspective of the model suggested in the few paragraphs above. Meanwhile, one awaits further developments.
Update: 27 February - 16 March 2022
"Harmonizing information with the Bible" is not confined to the realms of Science, History and Archaeology. International politics or geopolitics also need to be harmonized with the Bible's History (and Geography) - Past, Present and Future. The breakdown or collapse in many scientific theories or paradigms are paralleled by the apparent cracks appearing in world governance. Some see this in terms of autocratic versus democratic governance. Others, in terms of globalization versus regional or decentralized governance. In 'science', the 'Carbon Causes Climate-change' nonsense is stampeding nations into an unwise reconstruction of the world's energy production and reticulation systems in turn upsetting norms in governance. In medicine and health, doubts about the efficacy of narrowly-targeted vaccines is leading to a lot of political ruction and protest around the world. For 'corona viruses' authorities are requiring seemingly never-ending doses or 'boosters' to be injected in everyone whether they are needed by a person or not. There is a war-weariness in the fight against corona viruses, possibly genetically engineered in the first place by 'specialists' who in effect now demand everyone accept their strictures on the way we behave. On the one hand they have to act in the interests of everyone. On the other hand, to hell with any personal or individual conditions for which many injections could or would be counter-productive. All this can be paralleled with breakdowns in international governance where, for instance, Russian President Putin says there is no such thing as a Ukrainian people or history. Lawlessness, including violation of the laws of science, undermines respect for governance even amongst people who normally go out of their way to cooperate with governments. And, of course, speaking of the Bible, therein are specific instructions to obey government. II Peter 2:9-10 advises the "Godly" do not "despise government". Rulers should not be "terrors to good works but to evil ones" (Romans 13:3); something Mr Putin appears to misunderstand. Ostensibly, the 'stable order' we have enjoyed for a few decades is under increasing strain as "lawlessness" seems to be on the rise. II Thessalonians 2:7 predicted that situation would occur one day in the future and thereby pave the way for the rise to power of the Antichrist-666.
The break-up of the former Soviet Union has led to a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Recently Mr Putin wrote a paper on the origins of Ukraine from his perspective of History which one is tempted to sympathize with in view of the situation one has written about concerning the chaos in Egyptology and its affect on Israel's History as documented in the Bible (His Story). What is a sovereign state and what is there in History to justify its modern existence is a matter that ultimately has very little truly objective reality. Israel (with a modern state), Kurdistan (without a modern state), Egypt, The Sudan (Sut-en-bat of the ancient hieroglyphs) and Ethiopia (a.k.a., Abyssinia or Cush) also qualify for statehood in ancient historical terms. China and perhaps India likewise can argue from antiquity their statehood. The British Isles also can claim an identity from ancient records but not the individual 'nations' within (England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Mercia-Yorkshire, for example).
However, current events in Ukraine including future food shortages presaged for North Africa, The Levant and other parts of the Middle East and Caucasus regions raise another specter from the Bible. Those regions play the main role in the fulfillment of another major and so far unfulfilled prophecy made by Israel's prophet Ezekiel in circa 600 BC. Ostensibly, the Ukrainian conflict is a civil war amongst Slavs. Who should govern Slavs? Which or whose government should these Slavs obey? The Bible has Jesus of Nazareth quoted as describing one of several conditions in world affairs before His return as "nation fighting against nation and kingdom against kingdom". It is a Jewish idiom drawn from their scriptures. Therein, it was based on events concerning some attackers turning against each other instead of their enemy (Israel) or to Egyptians fighting one another no doubt during an inter-dynastic period. Today, this type of civil or internecine strife is a problem around the globe. In central Europe we have the Ukraine situation. In Africa: Congo-DRC, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Tigre, Ethiopia and others demonstrate the point. Likewise Afghanistan, Myanmar, Armenia-Azerbaijan, the two Koreas demonstrate the point in Asia. However, in many ways the point is true to some extent in nearly every single nation (about 200). Even in quiet little New Zealand, protesters including a small group of anarchists demanding the overthrow of governments, were encamped all over Parliament's grounds and environs for three weeks. Their cars, vans and tents sprawled across onto roads outside the parliamentary grounds blocked traffic on important inner city roads forcing the public to make detours on their journey. A core group was quite justifiably campaigning for an end to seemingly endless 'mandatory measures' that have even seen them lose jobs and livelihoods. What's the difference between NZ's vaccine mandates and Putin's treatment of peace demonstrators in Russia's cities? These 'mandates, 'lockdown' etc., have been in place one way or another for nearly two years in NZ. Unfortunately for a few well-meaning people the Wellington campers' noble cause was quickly drowned out and hijacked by anarchists, new age theorists, hippies, and the local homeless looking for a nice tent in the summer days and a free feed.
But is there anything especially unusual or even unique going on in Ukraine, one of the world's biggest 'bread-baskets'? Is Russia trying to diversify away from reliance on sales of oil, gas and rare elements to fuel or furnish other nations' energy systems and fuel the monetary element in its own economy by adding lots more grain to its export portfolio after subjugating Ukraine? That's the sort of question 'analysts' might ask or posit to explain the current crisis in central Europe. Our question on this page is whether the Jewish idiom quoted above also applies to a future event recorded in the Bible in Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16. Many players in, or affected parties to this Ukraine crisis are mentioned in Ezekiel's prophecy. One thing is certain. Nothing like the picture painted in Ezekiel's prophecy has ever occurred in world history. Therefore, is it about to take place? If so, it might explain what's happening in central Europe and across many other global issues in these critical times.
Underlying all this there seems to be a conflux (confluence) of many things; e.g., micro plastics being swallowed by fish or inhaled and ingested by animals, plants and humans; polluting the environment (Psalm 119:126 and Isaiah 24:5). That is something which definitely will require concerted inter-governmental cooperation. Two hundred governments around the world would seem to be a rather unwieldy network through which to act on that range of problems threatening the biosphere.
So, returning to the prophecies in Ezekiel 38:1 to 39:16 and with the above background in mind, we are potentially witnessing a series of events that will evermore speedily unfold (accelerate) like the birth pangs of a woman in labor, Specifically, we are witnessing what may lead to a major re-organization of world governance )accordance to mainstream interpretations of Biblical prophecies concerning the Latter or Last Days. In turn, that will also, ironically, pave the way for the rise of the Bible's Antichrist-666 to do his thing before Jesus of Nazareth returns to slay him (Genesis 3:15) perhaps in the thirty-seventh year of that 'man of perdition'.
Via dreams and angels, God gave Israel's prophet Daniel an outline of world History from circa 550 BC to the end of the 'Latter Days' or 'End of the Age'. The Chaldean (Kurdish), Iranian (Medes and Persians) and Hellenistic (Alexander the Great) empires or systems of world governance would prevail between 600 BC until the arrival of a fourth system symbolized by iron that would govern the world until the end when 'Messiah' ('Christ') comes.
Previously, we wrote:
The world of science is taking a hammering with many of its paradigms. That is the same for nearly every other field of study now the world is in the grip of an economy-transforming revolution caused by the Covid19 pandemic. Curiously, a parallel is occurring in Christian churches. There is an unwillingness to deeply review paradigms in either of the two former foes - Science or Theology. Those of their members who do try to flag issues are cut down as rebels, conspiracists, trouble-makers etc. From about AD 200 when the big churches in Rome began dominating all thinking, theology or theory in matters concerning both Bible study and the nature studies ('science') the western world including the Middle East supported Rome's 'lead'. The first notable challenge came out of Arabia with a theologian named Mohammad. Another came with Luther in Germany in the sixteenth century AD. Both challenges came about because people realized something was wrong with the paradigms. Of course one could add the "Renaissance" and the "Reformation" to those challenges. By AD 1648 the whole edifice came unstuck and the theologians and scientists divorced each other. The 'separation' that began in Europe spread across the globe as the 'gospel' of Secular, Humanist, Evolutionist and Materialist thinking (I dub that as 'S.H.E.M-itism') became more widely accepted.
Since 1648, the theologians began to look more and more absurd. The scientists, although they made many mistakes, gradually convinced everyone that science is now a bedrock of surety. In fact, Science has become more of a marshmallow. Now the Bible is more credible because its statements about angels moving through vast distances in time and space with the ability to travel as spirits but physically appear in the world and even wrestle or mate with humans is uncannily like the behavior of quarks, leptons and bosons. These sub-sub-atomic particles make up sub-atomic particles like electrons, protons and neutrons that in turn make up elements like Helium or Uranium. Then atoms can join up to become molecules such as two Oxygens combining with one Carbon to make Carbon Dioxide. Then, we are told, some molecules can form very primitive cells in thermal alkaline vents deep down on the ocean floor near volcanic or tectonic fissures. Surprisingly, a recently retrieved meteor in the UK (Winchcombe) also showed signs of the same chemicals in its remains. Supposedly, on earth or on asteroids bearing them from some other solar system, molecules then formed longer and longer chains of ever more complex molecular strings that became the building blocks firstly of RNA or viruses then twisted strands of two chains of pairs of RNA in a so-called Double Helix or DNA. The Bible's claim that all living beings were composed immediately of fully-functioning animals, plants and fishes; mostly reproducing in the wombs of females new beings of the same kind; looks far more sensible an idea. In fact, we now know that it is RNA in a placenta of a female's womb that stitches together or fuses two double helixes of genetic material, one set from a male and the other from a female using a single strand of nucleic acids or RNA. Thus it is no wonder that RNA now proliferating all the oceans and soils of the globe (refer The Economist below); and with the ability to make a completely new animal, bird or fish; can also also be very destructive. Especially if the 'virus' manages to get inside or invade someone's biological system. With their wobbly theories of how life began, believing RNA preceded DNA when we suggest from the Bible both were created at the same time, they want to re-design RNA they find and re-engineer it to protect us from diseases with vaccination of the stuff. So we are now supposed to rely on the scientists for protection rather than on God the Creator. It may well be that strategically and tactically that may be the only realistic thing we can do apart from everyone of us ensuring very high personal hygiene standards as this flu-free observer has been doing for more than a decade as an extra defense against side effects from diabetes.
Of course the Bible has much more data about what is happening to this world, what has happened to it and what finally will take place. The Good News is that the Bible says God foresaw all this coming. He has a plan to sort it all out. The end-result will be good but not for those who choose to thumb their noses at it. That choice is given to everyone. Before God's final intervention to close down the nonsense as he did in the Flood in 2500 BC or at Babel in 2000 BC or with Egypt's destruction in 1500 BC, He will allow the Tempter-Devil to try out his plan on mankind which from Satan's perspective is to eliminate us as pests polluting his former domain (Ezekiel 28:12ff). The way God will bring about an end to the nonsense begun by Adam (or by imputation you and me) will be quite different to 2500 BC, 2000 BC but possibly will incorporate some things the Egyptians and perhaps the whole world suffered in 1500 BC. For believers currently living at the time, there will be a miraculous escape from those things in a vehicle known in some churches as The Rapture. Believers will know most of what they need for that and unbelievers are quite disinterested of course. [One can find this observer's views on 'The Rapture' in a paper accessed through the IRL below].
Perhaps the most interesting development in world events until now is that the ubiquitous smart phone which people 'touch' (Eve said they were not even to "touch" the tree of knowledge in Eden) then enables them to 'consume' all sorts of information and data by accessing The Internet-Tree of Knowledge. The system uses symbols like The At Sign [@]. But that has brought us back to the Garden of Eden and the tree they ate from. The Hebrew to "eat" is "acol" or 'a all'. Today, we can represent that as "@" i.e., "a all". The circle around the letter 'a' is incomplete. That means the Internet is powerful but imperfect. It enables good and bad things to happen, but most importantly it shows us that we are now almost back full circle to the computer Adam and Eve disobediently ate from in Eden. And people wonder why the world is in such a mess. God said that would happen.
Written prior to 16 July 2021:
The following is a brief history of the progress (or regress as some might say) of science over the last few centuries. In the rush to develop vaccines to combat Covid19 many people are concerned there is insufficient scrutiny of the scientists. In the London Economist (August 22nd - 28th, 2020), the leader 'The Aliens Among Us' and following essay, 'The Outsiders Inside' raised many questions for this analyst but no one willing to discuss them. Recently, one has also re-opened one's copy of Arthur Koestler's 'The Sleepwalkers'. On page 400 of one's 2014 Penguin Classics edition, Koestler reproduced the following written by Galileo about himself:
"You cannot help it, Mr Sarsi, that it was granted to me alone to discover all the new phenomena in the sky and nothing to anyone else. This is the truth which neither malice nor envy can suppress".
Here, Galileo was talking about sunspots that he and some other astronomers had been noticing in about AD 1612. But he also claimed that he did not have to prove Copernicus' system of the solar system which incorrectly placed the revolutions of the sun and all the planets around a point in space. Furthermore, he claimed opponents of that system; including those who believed the operation of the solar system had to be in harmony with the Bible; had to prove that he, Galileo, was wrong. Actually, it would be nearly 300 years later before anyone could finally prove the Earth revolved around the Sun and resolve the issue of the 'parallax'. In general, the world is almost completely unaware of this man's arrogance so no one ever considers many modern scientists are much like this or the system they work for has effectively become just like this portrayal of Galileo.
Commenting on another letter ("to the Grand Duchess Christina") Galileo had written about Copernicus, Koestler wrote the following on page 407:
"Throughout the document (letter) Galileo completely evaded any astronomical or physical discussion of the Copernican system; he simply gave the impression it was proven beyond doubt (emphasis added). If he had talked to the point, instead of around it, he would have had to admit that Copernicus' forty-odd epicycles and eccentrics were not only not proven but a physical impossibility (emphasis added), a geometrical device and nothing else; that the absence of an annual parallax, i.e., of any apparent shift in the position of the fixed stars, in spite of the new telescopic precision, weighed heavily against Copernicus; that the phases of Venus disproved Ptolemy, but not Herakleides or Tycho (de Brahe); and that all he could claim for the Copernican hypothesis was that it described certain phenomena (the retrogression of planets) more economically (emphasis added) than Ptolemy; as against this, the above-mentioned physical objections would have carried the day".
Today, we have to be careful the scientists and doctors do not put us into the same position of having to prove their theories about viruses, DNA and RNA are wrong. What we are arguing from here on in (below) is that at least there should be a discussion, even a debate but definitely not a 'conversation' about all this so that we can learn from these situations a few lessons (not 'learnings') about all this from History (or His Story from the Biblical point of view). And we suggest that the new information available to us, indeed from 'Evolutionary Science', along with our much better knowledge today of Hebrew and what ancient scribes meant when they wrote the Biblical texts, should all be brought together in a new evaluation of the 'Creation Account' as a null hypothesis to the view that viruses evolved first before DNA, Double Helixes etc., animals and humans as The Economist articles speculate. Or was life created with RNA (i.e., viruses) having just one function which is to procreate new life in an 'enwombed placenta'; but then some 'catastrophe' until or something else disrupted all that? If this is true, then we also understand why viruses, escapees from wombs and placentas, have become such dangerous and inanimate (lifeless) vectors of destruction or chaos of some sort rather than order and 'life-procreative'.
For example, from the discussions in the London Economist; and the huge philosophical gaps therein; we really need to re-assess where viruses originated. Cautiously, at this stage, one suggests viruses actually escaped from their proper environment within a placenta where 'viruses' as "RNA" originally stitched together the DNA of a male and a female to produce a new individual within a set of 'machinery' that God had designed and created instantaneously as a fully operating vehicle. If there is some truth in such analysis, the big question becomes, 'How did RNA escape so profusely into the environment? Was there a 'catastrophe' of some sort as the Bible indicates as a judgement fell down on the disobedience of Adam and his failure to protect Eve from the Satan-serpent's wiles and insinuations in the Garden if Eden. Was it via subsequent acts of sexual promiscuity throughout the generations following the 'Fall or through genetic engineering or because of some other situation? So, can we today improve on the process Sir Isaac Newton and others have attempted in the past. Can we find a sensible harmony between the Bible and Science or between Faith and Reason bearing in mind 'Faith' whether in science or in God cannot demand absolute proof or disproof.
Very briefly, God's hypothesis is that after watching many of His angels rebel from Him possibly billions of years after creating them and the Universe for them to enjoy, God brought chaos to the Universe. However, he returned through His Spirit to repair the Universe probably by returning light to it. He next proceeded to place a completely new environment on this planet from the one He put here specifically for the angelic spirit beings the Bible refers to (read Ezekiel 28:12ff). On this renovated Earth, God placed the animals, plants and humans we see on it today. Unfortunately, much as God predicted and had prepared Himself for, the first man, Adam; like the angels before him given the choice, option or 'free will'; failed to obey God's sole command to him. God told Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. It was a computer that one touched to garner information for one's "eyes", hence mind because as it is often observed "the eyes are the window into the mind". Along with a Tree of Life and many others to eat food from that knowledge-tree was in the Garden of Eden. God allowed Adam to eat from the Tree of Life and the food-bearing trees but disallowed him from eating of the tree of Knowledge. God placed it there to test for the man's obedience. In effect, the Bible is the document that enables us to see just what a disaster Adam's disobedience has become. That's why God promised Adam and Eve that there would be a future deliverer who would rescue us from this dilemma we are now in.
To resolve the dilemma, in 7 BC God sent His son to be that deliverer when Mary of Nazareth gave birth to Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus did perfectly obey God. God placed many prophecies about Jesus and events surrounding His intervention in world History (His Story) in the Bible so that we could monitor God's Hypothesis. Long ago, God had predicted that mankind's love affair with science and technology, in lieu of man's love for God and trust in Him, would lead to the destruction of all flesh and probably plants too. Palpably, we are witnessing at least the possibility of that today. In 720 BC, in Isaiah 24:5, God predicted that the world in the last days would be heavily polluted. Ironically, by-products from oil (plastics); much of it coming out of the compressed vegetation of the former Garden of Eden buried during the Flood of Noah (2500 BC) under the sands and waters of the Persian Gulf and Arabia, Iraq etc; are arguably the most dangerous wastes polluting us. It isn't the carbon in the oil but dirt and plastics coming with the oil that cause harm. We could separate the bad from the good but usually we fail because the correct economic incentives are not in place to encourage better commercial and personal consumption behaviour. The consumer is at fault just as much as the business enterprise. Governments are poorly placed to counteract that 'pincer' movement of commerce and consumerism. It's a pity there are not enough capitalists today concerned with consuming more responsibly and saving more.
We can identify various reasons for, or factors contributing to this apparent 'climate-change' but it has nothing to do with the carbon dioxide in the air because the volume is so small at a miserly 400 or so parts per million. Clearly, the Earth's Oxygen, Nitrogen, water vapour and other non-gas factors have significant roles in upsetting typical climate patterns. All this could be close to the norm, whatever that is, but we have insufficient data to help us do anything other than guess what is actually or really happening. So now we are getting heavier rain storms and more earthquakes and volcanos as the result of an atmosphere severely degraded after the Flood. The globe appears to be absorbing too much energy form the sun.
Mid July 2019, Auckland University's Dendrochronology team effectively presented us with stunning evidence, but not proof, supporting our chronology of the Flood, based on the Bible's own chronology. Their evidence can be said to suggest the Flood occurred near the year 2488 BC. 'AUD', after many years of amazing work, has gathered a sequence, by analyzing many wood-samples collected over the years of Kauri tree rings. They now have a run of tree-ring patterns going as far back as "2488 BC" or just over 4.5 thousand years' worth of samples. They may yet be able to extend that sequence many more centuries or even millennia further back in time. We suggest, however, under our 'Flood Hypothesis', they will not or cannot find any older samples because the very first rings are of seeds that were blown in or floated to the newly-emerged islands of this part of the South Pacific (NZ). This work by AUD is the art or science of "dendro-chronology". Theoretically, the kauri wood (lumber, timber) can be used to date various archaeological or anthropological strata elsewhere in the region or perhaps when a sailing ship was constructed because many times Kauri was used for that particular purpose. From the Bible's own internal chronology, one can date the Flood between 2450 and 2500 BC. There are technical reasons for not being any more specific than that. In our model of the world's geology, we believe New Zealand, Australia and Antarctica only emerged from the ocean floor during the flood.
Antarctica, over about ten months, was rapidly buried in 3000 meters of snow. But not before massive volumes of flotsam of flesh and vegetation from the original land-mass gathered on its newly emerged shores and mountains as the snow fell at the same time. Thus we have down there a sort of Antarctic Pudding recording a portfolio of life forms from the original land-mass. New Zealand's Alps, likewise forming at the same time, collected huge volumes of snow as well. In fact, most of New Zealand was probably covered in snow for a short period (like the British Isles). NZ's glaciers are testimony to its recent existence (above the water-line) in the post-Flood environment as the globe gradually reached a new environmental equilibrium and began re-warming. In the far north of New Zealand, where most Kauri today is found, seeds from Kauri floating ashore in the post-flood flotsam soon put down roots and a little later began producing tree rings indicating each year what the climate was like. It seems that began around the year 2488 BC, according to University of Auckland, just twelve years after New Zealand's soils were first exposed to sunlight, air, carbon dioxide and of course, 78 parts per hundred of Nitrogen the main gas we all breath. The world atmosphere is spiced with a bit of Oxygen (16-17 parts per hundred) and other assorted gases, water vapour etc. Like a pinch of salt in a thousand gallon vat of stew, there is a little bit of carbon dioxide which like some sort of miracle seems to feed most of our plants and trees with the necessary carbon they need. We believe they are not getting enough carbon dioxide being starved of perhaps 80% of the actual volume they need.
The predecessors or ancestors of NZ Kauri had been growing on some part of the original continental land-mass. Some cousins to NZ Kauri probably still do exist elsewhere. However, the 'naturalists' either have not found them or are secretly hiding that information from us as is the Academy's normal practice when it uncovers things it's paradigms do not like. Any search for kauri elsewhere may be difficult because New Zealand's trees may have altered genetically to suit the different soils on these shaky isles, perhaps lacking in nutrients in the soils of their parents' habitat. Thus, they appear these days to be native to New Zealand but the evidence also confirms for us the reality and accuracy of the Bible's chronology. This sort of evidence would only be possible in the Last Days that Israel's prophets and Jesus would refer to, "The Days of Noah" in Jesus' words.
Yeshua b'Nazareth, a.k.a., "Jesus of Nazareth", added His clues as to when that crucial stage of Man's chaotic reign on Earth would be curtailed. Although He labelled them as "The Days of Noah" he also spoke of the "Days of Lot". He also explained it would be a period when every nation would seem to be at war within itself, c.f., DRC (Congo), The Sudan, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Spain-Catalonia, Mali, The South Sudan, and even the USA (an unraveling Constitution) and the UK (Brexit). There is strife on a similar basis within institutions like the Roman Catholic Church, The Arab League, The Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU. That is the sort of world-wide situation that means, implicitly from the prophecies in Daniel, the world will have arrived in this designated 'Latter Time'. There are no other historical precedents apart from some regional parallels such as "intermediate periods" between dynasties in Egypt and China or as in Western Europe between circa AD 500-1200.
There are also many international 'issues' that need urgent attention. Plastics in the oceans, or micro-plastics in natural food chains, seem to be the latest pollution problems to have grabbed the headlines. However, other pollutants, even some we are not yet aware of, are also fulfilling what another Biblical Prophet foresaw 2700 years ago in Isaiah 24:5, "The Earth is polluted under its inhabitants". Isaiah wrote that in a context where he fore-saw a time wherein God would intervene in some special way. We know Isaiah may just have witnessed a terrible earthquake in the days of Jewish King Uzziah and was thereby moved by God's Spirit to compose those words for our possibly-last 'generation' before the Messiah of Israel takes over after He defeats Antichrist-666. Isaiah, however, probably had little idea how God's Holy Spirit would use that prophecy for Latter Day believers. We regard these spiritually induced and guided experiences are part of God's Plan (or "Will" or Testimony, Romans 12:2) to declare His Glory, Wisdom and foreknowledge. In turn, God spiritually moves today's believers to understand what is happening vis-a-vis events in our time in their Biblical context of prophecy.
However, one thing these prophets all seemed to be aware of was that as the Days of "Noah" or of "Lot" imply, very few people will be taking any notice of these Biblical texts in those putative 'End-Times'. Which is why one feels it necessary to make the point now. In our survey of churches world-wide they do not really believe the Bible and they certainly ignore its prophecies which is one of the main reasons why we think these crises are Last Days affairs. Oddly enough, this point is shared to some extent, and in some nuances, by many Shiite Islamic sects in their religious civil war with the Salafist (Caliphatic) sects. The Gospel of Mark records that synagogues were discussing the washing of pots and pans (Mark 7:3-5, 9, 13) instead of studying prophecies to see if Jesus of Nazareth was indeed their Messiah. So the modern christendomite churches seem to be making a similar or "parallel" though obviously not identical mistake. In failing to properly teach about the true Christ they are opening up their adherents to being deceived by the imminent Antichrist which was more or less the mistake of Israel in AD 30. Israel accepted Caesar Tiberius instead and give that name to their largest lake.
So why does the Bible now get such a bad rap even in churches? In short, for a parallel reason the Tanaakh (or "Old Testament" in churches) was sidelined by the rabbis controlling the synagogues in Israel between 27-30 AD (or CE). On the other hand, the Bible has long been regarded an important document in world literature. The world's greatest thinkers such as Sir Isaac Newton believed that one could harmonize the Bible with the data we collect from Scientific Investigation, History (or His Story), Archaeological Excavation and other investigative endeavors.
Overall, no one has succeeded in harmonizing the world's existing body of knowledge with the Bible in any generation. However, today there are three primary reasons for continuing failure in this task.
Firstly, one needs to be able to study the Bible in its original language, i.e., Hebrew. Readers misinterpret text because they did or do not base their thinking on the original Hebrew text, relying on translations instead. This is true for the New and Old Testaments. The New Testament has been handed down to us only in Greek manuscripts. Nevertheless, the authors were thinking in Hebrew when they translated into Greek which was the international language of the time. Also, there is little doubt from the literary techniques used in those manuscripts in our possession that Hebrew is the language in the background for the Greek in the New Testament. Furthermore, it is now almost certain they were translated into Greek from a Hebrew draft or scroll. In order to establish what original Hebrew drafts contained requires additional rather more sophisticated analysis. That is not impossible. There is a paper in the files in the URL below where we identify Simon the Pharisee with Simon the Leper and Lazarus (Hebrew, La'Tzaraa or the one who became a leper). Those apparently three different men in the Gospels were the same person but recorded with a different name each time. Sometimes, words supposedly being part of the Greek Lexicon are simply Hebrew words transliterated into Greek letters such as Erevon or Arrabown which the Apostle Paul uses for 'pledge' in two of his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians (Ephesians 1:14, II Corinthians 1:22 and 5:5). Unbeknown to theologians, unless one who does is hiding somewhere, Apostle Paul simply transliterated the Hebrew word for "pledge" in the first few verses of Genesis 38 into their corresponding Greek letters and made that a word in Greek. It is not Greek but because Paul put that new word into his letters, the scholars gave him due respect and added Erevon into the Greek lexicon. It may look like something out of Monty Python but this really did happen. Do a literary analysis of Paul's words in his letters about the Holy Spirit alongside the way Jacob and Tamar held a discussion about bonds or sureties to be given while awaiting payment and the reader will learn exactly why believers since the Cross receive God's Holy Spirit. Unbelievers do not. Therefore they cannot believe until they do. They can find out in other texts what to do to be a believer and then understand the points made here.
Secondly, there is a major problem with chronology in two situations. Evolutionary Theory requires the existence of mankind, plants and animals on this Earth for millions or billions of years. Certainly, the Bible acknowledges a universe and Earth or a 'Mineral' Universe aged anything up to 40 billion years. The Bible clearly states the angels watched God create the Universe. It also notes the Universe later fell into decay after many, but not all, of the angels followed Satan into disobedience perhaps 4.5 billion years ago. The very first man (Adam); that God formed from the dust, the detritus of decayed minerals and rock the result of judgment of Earth following Satan's fall; lived for nearly a millennium. Adam's sons and grandchildren also lived long lives. Only more recently did men age more quickly as the result of compounding genetic decay begun from the Fall of Adam in circa 4000 BC. Only the animal-vegetable environment is about 6000 years old according to Biblical chronology. By counting years as literal we now can estimate Man's presence on this earth at about 6000 years out of some 15-40 billion in the Universe's History.
In human History, chronologists have set false dates for Egyptian pharaohs. For example, the Ramesside kings of Egypt supposedly were contemporary with Israel's Moses in circa 1500 to 1300 BC. But the Ramessides actually ruled Egypt circa 700-550 BC. The rest of Egyptian chronology which is used to establish dates in many other regions' historical chronologies is also in a mess. Chronological errors ranging from 200 to 700 years over the era circa 2200 BC to 500 BC badly distort our understanding of the world's ancient-history (of mankind). Thus, the overall historical context within which the Bible's narrative is studied and analyzed is also compromised or indeed falsified. Obviously these two errors in dating or chronology cause disharmony between the Bible and observed data. But one is accounting for all that in this process of harmonizing science, history, archaeology etc., with the Biblical record taking the lead. One uses the Bible to assist with interpretation of the data. One does not re-interpret the Bible in the light of some new fad in thinking about any such data we unearth.
Thirdly, another factor that is only now becoming apparent, is that the Bible itself in several places clearly states that only in an era termed 'The Last (or Latter) Days' would certain material in the Bible be understood by anyone even if they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Any attempt to understand some Bible verses, no matter how blameless and spiritual a believer was at the time, would fail until the time appointed for them to be understood. Even Daniel got that message. Daniel 12:4, 9 are the best verses making this point. There an angel instructed the Prophet Daniel, famous for surviving a night in a den of ferocious lions, to write down what he was told. He had to write without understanding because the material would only make sense when "travel and education or knowledge" would become a world-wide phenomenon and either 'greatly' increase or just 'increase'. Psalm 78 exhorts Israel and indeed the world to remember the accounts recorded in the Bible. Jacob gave his sons prophecies for them to hold through their generations. One of Job's 'friends' challenged him to look to the ancients for understanding. Even New Zealand's Maori were told to remember the day that the sun and moon stood still when 'Maui' caused the sun to delay its normal course in the sky. The Book of Joshua records the same incident but records it as taking place in the late afternoon instead of early morning in the Maori account.
Thus Aristotle and Plato; their disciples and neophytes; then Augustine, Aquinas, Mohammad, Luther, Kepler and Newton were trying to do something they could not hope to achieve. Instead, what happened was that society developed inappropriate or incorrect frameworks of knowledge or information. With that handicap, they attempted to harmonize Science, History etc., and the Bible within these false frameworks and ran into all sorts of problems. Newton's critics said he in effect proposed a God who is a perfect watch-maker but a lousy repair man. Newton failed to incorporate the fall of the angels and the subsequent pollution of the universe when God had to judge it for angelic disobedience. In Genesis, God tells how he repaired the damage to the Earth.
In the essays on this blog (refer to the labels to the right-hand side of this page) and in the papers archived in the following URL we develop these points in the directories and files therein:
Possibly, we Europeans (and Americans) are mostly at fault for landing this problem on the World. After the fall of the Roman Empire circa AD 450, Europe turned to the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches for governance. The Bible was the governing manifesto. Other parts of the world: in India; China; the non-European-Americas; and some regions in Africa or elsewhere in Asia; many societies were civilized and as normal as could be expected given technological and natural resources available to them. Following Rome's demise, Europe slipped deeper into chaos. The Churches interpreted this as a holding period until Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah or Christ of Israel, returned to Earth to take control of world governance. As the millennium between AD 30 and AD 1030 progressed, the prevailing 'European' view became the norm. The rest of the world avidly watched Europe as being the inheritor of the fallen Roman System which it in turn anticipated would rise again according to Biblical Prophecy. Scholars and observers grossly underestimate the extent to which ancient nations had an appreciation of the role of ancient Israel and her 'Scriptures' or "Oracles of God" as the Apostle Paul described them.
Much world history since the demise of Rome needs to be seen in that light. International diplomacy today, in these early years of the new century and millennium, turns on this anticipation.
Jesus' no-show in AD 1030 prompted Europe to return Jerusalem and Israel into Christendom's hands so its Roman Catholic popes launched several crusades to achieve that. All in the false belief, based on very poor and unsystematic theology, that Revelation's Millennium of AD 30-1030 was effectively extended because Jesus' servants had left His capital city and the former state of Israel (circa 1445 BC - AD 70) in the hands of the Muslims. In fact, the rise of Islam was a product of Christendom's theological and spiritual corruption that was rife by AD 700. The theological chaos prompted an Edomite Arab named Mohammad (of the Hejaz, Mecca and Medina-Yathrub-Jethro) to reconstruct 'Christianity' or Christendom or God's Kingdom as he thought it should be practised. Mohammad used Greek philosophy, Post-temple Era Judaism as practised via the Talmud, Arab custom and the Bible to concoct a 'reformed' religion. In some ways he pre-figured Martin Luther. Like the renegade Roman Catholic priest, Mohammad only succeeded in presenting yet another, although much worse, variation of true Christianity. Luther's virulent anti-Semitism, extreme in its character even in the context of his own rather nasty era in that regard, compromised some otherwise constructive criticisms he had of Roman Catholicism - the church, congregation or synagogue that wielded considerable political and military power and status at the time.
'The Crusades', circa AD 1000 to 1300, failed in their main objective. There was no sign of Jesus by AD 1200 even after nearly a century with Jerusalem and many parts of ancient Israel in Crusader hands. Thus, a new form of thinking surfaced in Europe. This period is referred to as The Renaissance or Re-birth or Re-thinking. This led to new attempts at investigating what the Bible really was telling us. This aspect became known as "The Reformation". By and large, this had become a European task as other parts of the world were dominated by competing philosophies or religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Paganism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Animism, Shintoism, latterly Islam and of course Secularism and her fellow travelers of evolutionism and materialism. Many within the churches' educational and investigative institutions were Aristotelians of one sort or another or followers of Plato. But, by AD 1600, Johannes Kepler, then later Newton, helped lead Europe out of philosophical and theological chaos. In 1608, Nicholas Byfield realized that Jesus was not returning to Earth until the Jews had accepted Him and were in control of their ancient homeland in Israel. Byfield realized the Crusades were a wasted endeavour.
But between 1618 and 1648, Europe fell into a civil war much like the one currently dividing modern Islam and destroying its societies. The causes of this 'Thirty Years War' were quite similar to the current dilemmas modern Islam faces. Much of the fighting in Europe then, and in Muslim countries now, was about how we govern society. In Europe's 17th Century situation, in the wake of the failure of Christendom, there was a concerted attempt at secularizing governance. In modern Islam's situation because of an expectation amongst Shias and others that their messiah (or mahdi, from the ancient Egyptian 'maat' or the one who brings order out of chaos) is on the way, it should be the mahdi who will re-organize world governance. Whereas the Sunnis and others, such as some Taliban and Wahabis, believe that as Muslims they should be introducing modern-day versions of the Caliphate for world governance beginning, presumably, with already extant Muslim states such as Iran and Turkey. There is little common ground on this as demonstrated in Turkey where they also fight about which version, c.f., between Mr Erdogan's version of the caliphate or the Gulanists'. In Europe of those days, as with Islam now, old power structures had to fall and power-vacuums appeared. In Europe, or The West, the union of Church and State (Theocracy) between circa AD 100-1600, or certainly since Rome's fall, had not worked. Many people then correctly thought there should never have been such a system of governance. God had only mandated 'Theocracy' for Israel between Moses (1500 BC) and Jesus (7 BC to AD 30) and only for governance of the tiny Holy Land of 'Israel' and presumably only until the Millennial Messianic Kingdom comes into being. Ancient Israel's 'Mosaic' regime never stretched beyond a small sliver of territory from Sinai to the Lebanese border and from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. Even England had a county (Yorkshire) almost as large! But that small space of land in the Middle East (mid-west for the Chinese and other Asians) eked out of the League of Nations' Mandate of greater Palestine for the tiny modern state of Israel, was enough for God to work out many physical blessings for the Israelite nation in order to witness God's goodness even to fallen mankind who had so insulted Him there in Eden. But Roman Europe believed it had to become a theocracy in order to replace, or re-institute, Israel's theocracy. That was until a bit of sense began to prevail in the wake of the 'Reformation' and 'Westphalia'.
After the Treaty of Westphalia which halted Europe's "Thirty Years (Civil-) War", the sub-continent moved to separate Church from State. Wrongly, however, it also began to separate Science from Theology which until then had been "The Queen of Sciences". Others describe this as the separation of Faith from Reason. Thus Europe lurched from Christendom's false integration of knowledge and the Bible and into unadulterated Secularism. In that new system, government would henceforth be run on lines of reason, not faith; science (and engineering), not theology. 'Religious' matters, or issues of the Soul and Spirit, would be left to the churches, synagogues, mosques, masonic halls, other temples and perhaps even universities. Henceforth, Government and tasks like managing infrastructure development, health services, education, defence, policing, regulation etc., would not be affected by theological considerations. Hindu India, Islamic Asia and Africa, Pagan countries, Shintoist Japan (until the mid 19th Century) did retain a fusion of science and governance with 'religion'. Confucian China and Buddhist lands maintained their fusions of Philosophy and Governance and Science but Europe by AD 1700 was well on the way to separating or indeed isolating 'religion' from science and governance. Hence some of the collision courses we are now observing. What Europe really needed to do was to find the proper fusions that need to operate within Theology, Science and Governance to replace its improper fissions. But it decided it had enough trouble finding any such way. So Europe went for for the jugular of near-absolute secularism. This developed into the Paradigm of Secular Humanist Evolutionist Materialism (S.H.E.M-itism).
Anyway, from the mid 17th Century, with some early official exploratory sea voyages by the likes of Abel Tasman and James Cook, this S.H.E.M-itism began to be exported abroad. Today, the whole world is dominated by secular government. That is mostly true, except in Muslim countries; or perhaps in some odd places like Buddhist Myanamar (Burma); where the struggles Europe had particularly in the first half of the 17th Century are only just beginning. The Thirty Years War and Islam's civil wars today are the result of an inappropriate combination of Theology and Science, or a confused fusion of Faith and Reason.
Unfortunately for the Secular Governance Model current events around the world are throwing spanners in the works. Problems seem to be compounding. Some unexpected developments are adding to build new and potentially unmanageable crises. It is those crises we think the Bible warned us of. Unfortunately, the Bible is now widely disregarded. Even in churches, ministers only teach the bits that suit them or which fit with mostly narcissistic sentiments complementary with our modern secular environment. Thus very few people, even in Universities and Bible Colleges, are any longer seriously studying The Bible's History, Prophecy and Theology from correct chronological, cultural (a.k.a., Hebrew Perspective), literal-lingusitic or sometimes cryptic perspectives (c.f., Daniel 12:4 & 9). Even though the degradation in the genomes of every species is now obvious under their microscopes, the scientists still insist we are evolving toward greater things and the conquest of the universe. The world is overheating for reasons also only explained by reference to the Bible's record of environmental and geological History. Israel is emerging to play the central role (as bad kid on the block) in world history as predicted by the Bible in the last few years before the Second Coming. That gets super-critical after the true believing Church of the Christ is raptured into Heaven to rescue 'The Body' from the Apocalypse and related events that span perhaps a decade or so before the Messiah's actual return to Ground Zero.
By accessing the material in the associated essays on this blog and in the URL below readers can follow our arguments for a new harmony between the Bible and knowledge. We use the Bible to explain the data. The world has been reinterpreting the Bible to fit current fashions in knowledge as Christendom and Islam have been doing. But we are using the Bible to explain how to fit the current events around us into a sensible Biblical framework. With that framework, one can unravel God's Good, Perfect and Acceptable Will or Plan for the World after about six thousand years (or six days) of folly brought on by Adam's rebellion in Eden which is now a vast pool of oil under the ancient realm of Babel, Ur and Babylon now administered by Arabs, Iranians, Emirates, Iraqis, Aramco, etc., etc.
Summarizing the crises since Westphalia
The research papers mentioned above mainly cover problems with paradigms in three main areas or the Three E's and C's:
Firstly in Egyptology and Chronology, the standard view that about 30 dynasties of pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt between circa 2900 BC and the Roman era (circa 50 BC) needs to be replaced. In our papers we point to about only 7 or 8 real dynasties between circa 2200 and 550 BC actually ruled Egypt. For long periods there was either chaos verging on anarchy or governance involving minor kings of one sort or another including large-city mayors or priest-kings. This means, for instance, the 18th and 19th Dynasties ruled Egypt between circa 1000 and 600 BC rather than between circa 1500 and 1100 BC. It means, for instance, the Bible's "Queen of Shera" actually was Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt and Ethiopia the then united kingdoms of the Nile River. She was the "Queen of the South" that Jesus of Nazareth referred to. Hopefully that gives the reader an idea of the scope or magnitude of the problem we are dealing with here.
The Second area lies in that of the modern religion of Environmentalism and Climate Change. Environmentalism is essentially the religion of the first chapter of the Book of Romans where the created order begins to worship the Creation without any longer believing in and indeed publicly rejecting the Creator. That is despite considerable scientific evidence of the last two decades supporting the Bible's view of origins. Specifically, in Environmentalism, we point to the strong likelihood the globe is indeed getting significantly warmer, over and above any long-term cycles in temperature change we may have observed. But that extra warmth is due to factors involving the alteration of constituents of the Earth's atmosphere since the Noahic Flood recorded in the Bible and dated therein at circa 2500 BC. Consequently, the environmental equilibrium between the Sun's energy and the atmosphere that operated before the Flood fell into disorder. Thus, the globe has been importing more energy than it uses and storing the balance in its core. The Earth has not been radiating enough heat back into space since then. The extra heat, absorbed in the Earth's core, is causing the kettle to boil deep inside the Earth so that we are now experiencing melting ice caps, more rain, more tornadoes and hurricanes, more volcanos and earthquakes.
Thirdly, NASA and the European Space Agency are both now telling us the early life forms that were supposed to have evolved in the soups of the primal and volcanic early Earth did not evolve there after all. They were ferried here by comets from other parts of the Universe, even from beyond the event-horizon out there which is the region in Time and Space beyond which we cannot see. The whole Theory of Evolution is now a mere Idea and not a proper scientific investigation at all! In the field of genetics, we now know every human is descended from a female ape who mutated in her mitochondria about 250,000 or 150,000 years ago. We contend that female was the "Eve" of Genesis in the Bible and she was a Human Woman. The Creator formed her from Adam's body six thousand years ago. At that time God formatted the entire environment from the minerals and dust or detritus formed after the Earth's descent into disorder and chaos after the fall of the angels who had inhabited the Universe and enjoyed its delights for possibly billions of years before Man's creation. The Bible teaches that God created the Universe when the angels were already in existence and they were the beings who first delighted in it. Until some of them followed Satan in his act of rebellion possibly 4.5 billion years ago if our readings from radiometry are accurate. And we see no reason they should not suggest these dates.
Don Stewart Researcher, http://donstewartresearcher.com/book
35 Vivian Street, Wellington, 6011, NZ,
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Wellington, New Zealand, July 2021
From the prophecy in the twelfth chapter of the Book of Daniel; written around 550 BC, and seemingly coming to pass in this era of greatly increased travel (until Covid19) knowledge about 6000 years after Adam's disobedience and fall; we can take comfort from one blessing (in disguise). We have the best scientific data and theological information of any previous human generation to guide us. We are recipients of six millennia of collected and archived information even though some information may have been lost, incorrectly archived, or perhaps missing because of some translation issues (or errors). Thus, only through the lens of God's Word can anyone make real sense of all the data which the world's research organizations have generated. Moreover, it now seems no other model to truly explain the world's current situation can be found in these perplexing times. Unfortunately, the churches, seminaries and Bible colleges have long since abdicated any role in this educational task. 'Religious' institutions have become vehicles of allegory and types - useful for previous generations but mostly, though not entirely, archaic and anachronistic for today's highly unusual world that the Bible predicted would arise in the last times. In order to 'sell' their courses and have 'course credits' transferable to other sectors in the Academy, religious institutions or the dethroned former queens of the Academy are signed up to the Ivy League and OxBridge systems of analysis especially in History. Therefore now; since Westphalia (AD 1648); theologians are obliged to overlook God's History and Prophecy in the Bible or His Story. We need a far better and truly independent apologia for what the Bible really says about knowledge.
To read the research papers behind the comments in the blog, and for our analyses of world events since 2013 in the "Key Events" files, please consult the directories, sub-directories and files at the following location:
The Covid19 or Wuhan-China Virus is perhaps providing the most obvious or currently newsworthy effects of the shortcomings in the philosophy of modern science. Technical matters concerning DNA, RNA, false positives and negatives are generally too complicated for most people to understand. Essentially, however, we need to penetrate to more fundamental problems. The Doctrine of Evolutionism is the main false paradigm which is now at the base of modern knowledge. Paradigmatic failures lie not only in the Western but as well in the Eastern and the other Mid-West or Mid-East academies such as Zoroaster (e.g., Iran), Islam, Hasidism (Orthodox post-temple Judaism), Yezidism (Kurdo-Chaldean) etc. The philosophies of Confucius, Lao Tse, Dao, Buddha, Plato and Aristotle with all their variants are of little use to anyone either. The problems are particularly evident in the seven sub-theories of evolutionism (Lamrackianism and Darwinism in both their neo- and classical-forms; catastrophe theories of Velikovsky then S.J Gould's "Punctuated Equilibrium" and the absurdity of the Theistic Evolution of Pope John-Paul II).
All this opens us up to the dangers inherent in uncontrolled technologies abusing the knowledge we have gained. That's essentially what God warned Adam in Genesis. Greenies, environmentalists and global warmers cannot avoid having to accept that conclusion. Their protests will fall on deaf ears. They need to recognize what God had warned all along. No one is confidently able to tell us how this nasty killer (Covid19) got out of its jail. Was that either Wuhan's genetics laboratory or out of its abusive animal-meat markets. Was Covid19 an accidental by-product of both? But let's not forget the rush to transfer technologies in the 1990's and the non-Chinese investors in genetics keen to take advantage of the PRC's liberal approach to experimentation when activists in other parts of the world pressured governments to be very conservative are also crucial factors in our current dilemmas. Whether this Covid19 problem was the result of an accident or deliberate is somewhat academic given the factors just outlined. History suggests that escape was accidental or due to carelessness. Sadly, either way, the Regime in the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) seems reticent to let us know. Anyway, no matter where the fault lies, God warned us in Eden about playing around with His DNA-RNA and 'Junk' DNA systems.
To read the research papers behind the comments in the blog, and for our analyses of world events since 2013 in the "Key Events" files, please consult the directories, sub-directories and files at the following location:
The Covid19 or Wuhan-China Virus is perhaps providing the most obvious or currently newsworthy effects of the shortcomings in the philosophy of modern science. Technical matters concerning DNA, RNA, false positives and negatives are generally too complicated for most people to understand. Essentially, however, we need to penetrate to more fundamental problems. The Doctrine of Evolutionism is the main false paradigm which is now at the base of modern knowledge. Paradigmatic failures lie not only in the Western but as well in the Eastern and the other Mid-West or Mid-East academies such as Zoroaster (e.g., Iran), Islam, Hasidism (Orthodox post-temple Judaism), Yezidism (Kurdo-Chaldean) etc. The philosophies of Confucius, Lao Tse, Dao, Buddha, Plato and Aristotle with all their variants are of little use to anyone either. The problems are particularly evident in the seven sub-theories of evolutionism (Lamrackianism and Darwinism in both their neo- and classical-forms; catastrophe theories of Velikovsky then S.J Gould's "Punctuated Equilibrium" and the absurdity of the Theistic Evolution of Pope John-Paul II).
All this opens us up to the dangers inherent in uncontrolled technologies abusing the knowledge we have gained. That's essentially what God warned Adam in Genesis. Greenies, environmentalists and global warmers cannot avoid having to accept that conclusion. Their protests will fall on deaf ears. They need to recognize what God had warned all along. No one is confidently able to tell us how this nasty killer (Covid19) got out of its jail. Was that either Wuhan's genetics laboratory or out of its abusive animal-meat markets. Was Covid19 an accidental by-product of both? But let's not forget the rush to transfer technologies in the 1990's and the non-Chinese investors in genetics keen to take advantage of the PRC's liberal approach to experimentation when activists in other parts of the world pressured governments to be very conservative are also crucial factors in our current dilemmas. Whether this Covid19 problem was the result of an accident or deliberate is somewhat academic given the factors just outlined. History suggests that escape was accidental or due to carelessness. Sadly, either way, the Regime in the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC) seems reticent to let us know. Anyway, no matter where the fault lies, God warned us in Eden about playing around with His DNA-RNA and 'Junk' DNA systems.
Furthermore, the way East Asians in China and Thailand treat animals in places like Wuhan and Bangkok reminds us of the Amalekites' abuse of animals. God said He would "have war with Amalek from Generation to Generation" (Exodus 17:16). One is not saying these people are 'Amalek'; it's just a reminder or point to make. The suspicion is raised that some specialists around the world do know who the lax jailers were but the IntelligenCIA; rather than the PRC in China per se; is suppressing any discussion of those facts. Covid19 is not solely the fault of PRC. Other alternative explanations for Covid19's origin are plausible. Nevertheless, a highly suspicious interface exists in Wuhan Province in China. Amalekite-style animal and meat markets are found in other East Asian countries but only in Wuhan is there a very big hi-tech genetics lab nearby.
Furthermore, or perhaps despicably, China's hi-tech gene lab in Wuhan gets plenty of support from wealthy 'entrepreneurs' from all over the world. Those greedy, ambitious and ultra-evolutionist futurists are looking for a get-rich-quick revenue stream from genetic engineering. They are also looking for genetic tools to enable people to survive in Outer Space. They finance programmes most countries believe to be abhorrent and dangerous. China and other regions of East Asia; without any Jewish or Christian ethics, morality or heritage; have been saying to gene-mercenaries, "you are welcome here". Outside China, we have been warning scientists they should not transfer genetic material from one "kind" (or 'species' in Biblical language) into another. Pollen transfers genes across all plants which are quite different to other life forms on Earth. However, and in sharp contrast to pollen, genes in each animal kind, scientists prefer the term "species", should stay within that species-kind. That's because each genome (or species-kind) has two basic sections. The "Operating" section where most common genetic programmes to 'run' systems for eating, locomotion, respiration, excretion, reproduction etc., can be quite similar across all kinds. Those that fly have wings. Other kinds do not but fish uniquely have gills and fins. Birds are able to walk like the rest of us on the land so the genetic programmes for locomotion can be quite similar across many species on land or in the air. However, the majority of the genomes have a bigger section unique to each species-kind. It formerly was known as "Junk DNA". Elsewhere one explains what that 'Junk DNA' really does do for us now, very briefly did do for us in Eden and will do for us in the future Messianic Millennial Kingdom Israel's Messiah will usher in. That is at the end of the Tribulation-Apocalypse section of the Bible's Book of Revelation. The whole question what precisely a "species" is was considered at New Zealand's Royal Commission into Genetic Engineering over 20 years ago. It reported there are about 22 different definitions of a "species". That in itself shows what an appalling state modern science has descended into. As the Bible says in I Corinthians 1:19-20, 25, 3:19, Man's knowledge is generally foolishness to God which is partly why scientists had to describe the majority of our DNA as "Junk". The Junk-Joke is on them. In our studies, we ask if the science is junk, not God's Word.
Behind all this, lies the fascinating and hideously complex model of the RNA-DNA Model purportedly explaining what life is or may be ("The Biosphere"). Let's take it as read that atoms and molecules do exist. However, our starting point here comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes 4:8-12 in the Bible which tells us that "two is better than one" but that a "three-fold cord is not quickly broken". With two, one can support the other. One alone is the weakest of all. "RNA" and "DNA" are nucleic acids (NA). The 'D' in "DNA" stands for "two". In our 'DNA' two 'RNA' strands are inseparably inter-woven. 'DNA actually is two NA or RNA strands utterly bound up with each other in a spiraling 'helix' of long strings of four main "base" pairs of acidic-like substances labelled for short-form as "G, C, A and T". Thus, an "RNA" string consists of "nucleic acids". In a way, we can liken these 'strings' to a man and his woman (wife, spouse). Sometimes from outside there is an interloper (RNA Virus) trying to disrupt the marriage but sometimes having no effect at all. Inside wombs, an RNA string actually is involved in stitching a brand-new person together from two already extant adults. In each succeeding generation, a few more less than fit-for-purpose genes get copied into the new being's make-up. That's true for animals, birds, fish and man. Over six millennia since Adam's Fall, those negative traits have been steadily accumulating and exacerbating health and intelligence outcomes.
From what one can gather from science outlets, viruses can be single strands of RNA or "nucleic acid". Most sources agree viruses also can be composed of DNA. (We wonder, from our Biblical perspective, if really nasty viruses are unstable RNA and not the more stable 'double-helix' DNA). If a virus is indeed just a rogue or random string of RNA out in the environment or in the biosphere but it can stitch together a new person in a womb then is it any surprise out in the environment a 'virus' can cause life destroying havoc? Whatever, viruses apparently can affect or alter genes. So geneticists actually use them to play around with genes for research etc. Occasionally, it is thought in some quarters, these "mutations" are beneficial to an organism. Mostly, "mutations" harm genes according to other observers. It is also claimed mutations have no noticeable effect ("neutral") on an organism's function, appearance, behaviour etc. Princeton University's Dr. Velikovsky believed these strings could be genetically altered in some way. He suggested from his theory in his 1946 book "Worlds in Collision" (the London Economist's Gallivanting Planets in its New Year 2020 special edition) "mutations" abounded in electro-magnetic discharges from outer space during close encounters with planets and asteroids. [This is something N.A.S.A. is putting a lot of effort in researching but on the quiet]. According to this part of his work, Dr. Velikovsky suggested that on several occasions the world was exposed to ultra-violet light, various other rays like Gamma Rays etc., which facilitated genetic changes leading to a multiplicity of different species. For the most part, we doubt all that but suggest his idea has as much validity as either Darwin's or Lamarck's or ideas of their disciples. Then Stephen J. Gould seems to have plagiarized Dr. Velikovsky with "Punctuated Equilibrium". Right now, the Covid19 virus is puncturing a lot of equilibria especially in the realm of Economics. Whatever, 'Evolution' has long since lost its ability to explain how these things came into being.
One's survey of scientific papers on the subject suggests single strands of RNA are involved in 'reading' and 'copying' information from the genes we get from parents to knit together a new person (or animal or plant). The IAEA says "RNA copies, transcribes and transmits parts of the genetic code to proteins so they can synthetize and carry out functions that keep organisms alive and developing". We add, "but this process also leads to defective (thus "mutated") genes appearing and being passed on to future generations - as the result of Adam's Fall. Somehow this seems to relate to RNA not working properly or no longer working properly. From the Biblical perspective, this also suggests that ideally three RNA strands are supposed to work in complete unity in function, purpose, goal, philosophy etc., within a united harmony where one strand brings two others together, one from each of two parents a male and a female, into one new complete being in the wombs of all females. Tragically and unfortunately, also from the Biblical perspective, failures in this system are somehow due to "living beings" no longer having access to the Tree of Life in Eden. From Genesis, we might wonder if in each generation, there is a little more 'deterioration' occurring in gene-strands which, over the long-run in many successive generations, accumulates and makes organisms 'genetically' weaker. So does the Fall of Adam in Eden somehow relate to one RNA strand being detached from the double helix of all life? Or did the Tree of Life in Eden somehow ensure that 'third strand' behaved properly and beneficially, rather than adversely, at all times?
Of course it seems absurd that anyone can seriously think all this stuff "EVOLVED" which is what Lamarck, Darwin, Velikovsky and Gould all tried to demonstrate. We are concerned an almost universal, uncritical evolutionist paradigm forces 'modern science' to overlook some questions such as why there should be viruses in the first place. However, we inadvertently may have discovered in these Last Days; assuming our interpretations of prophecy are correct or close to the mark; new information, i.e., from the Bible, about the actual nature of the Fall of Adam. But that was something no other generation before us could even conceive! We may now be in a world of DNA life forms seriously beset by an overwhelming aggregation of rogue RNA strings and other disadvantageous circumstances. Not only are we fighting those viruses that have been besetting us ever since Adam's Fall in Eden circa 4000 BC but we are now also attacked by genetic forms those evil- or corruptly-minded geneticists compose or manipulate as well. Leading UK virologist Chris Smith recently noted the Covid19 virus has not mutated much apart from in a couple of insignificant segments of its 30,000-strong genome. One would suggest (Dr. Smith did not) this is evidence the Covid19 virus has been genetically engineered or re-engineered. If it's in a purely natural form; i.e., that is has not been varied in any way with material from a different Junk DNA environment; it surely would by now have significantly mutated (i.e., devolved not evolved) as viruses generally do. That might suggest that its 'designers' have somehow miscalculated or bungled during some experiments. (Some are tempted into believing some one was really attempting to develop a biological weapon. However, in Sir Alexander Fleming's example, it was a mistake in the lab that led to the discovery of penicillin and no one is complaining about that!) Perhaps the Covid19 issue has arisen by accident or in ignorance rather than by design. Via 'transfers', for example by involving rare or exotic animals imported from across the globe, this 'virus' has unexpectedly escaped once brought into being. If everyone were honest and transparent, that would now be either confirmed or denied. However, no one in-the-know is going to admit to this as Sigourney Weaver's colleagues demonstrated in the Alien films. This entire episode with Covid19 demonstrates yet another aspect of the way the world is in sin and Fallen.
We can also pose the question whether we have (perhaps inadvertently) discovered information that reflects what actually happened in the "Biosphere" with the separation of the Man and his wife from God in that fateful situation in Eden. We have to say here, Adam took himself away from God. It was not God taking Himself away from Adam and Eve. They were the culprits, not God, but only a very small group of people today believe and accept that. Most people blame God. God says, and He should know by virtue of all that He Created, each person ever born would have done the same thing as Adam. This observer agrees with God about this. Thus one approves, concurs with and purposes to 'prove' God's Plan or Will (Romans 12:1-2) for what happens afterwards. Nevertheless, others have a God-given right to disagree. Thus we wonder if some sort of Tri-Unity was upset when Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Certainly, "The Tri-Unity" was offended by Adam but the Middle Person, the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, out of "Love for the World" (John 3:16) came to dwell amongst us in order to present Himself as a Sacrifice for the sin of Man in order to propitiate God's wrath over what happened in Eden and subsequently.
It has been a long time since the churches taught some of these things. But we now realize, by closer examination of the Biblical Hebrew in the light of the world's information explosion, the Bible has been to a certain extent codified. It's codes are simple bearing in mind even alphabets are codes. For example, there is evidence that untouchable or forbidden Tree of knowledge in Eden actually was a computer like a smart-phone somehow embedded in a tree of some sort - unless the word 'tree' in that case was metaphorical. Knowledge is generally seen as being like a tree with roots (axioms and paradigms) a trunk (the main body of information) and many branches and sub-branches using the 'nutrients' from the roots and trunk to spread out into the world with 'fruit and leaves' for consumption or application. At the end of the Bible in the Book of Revelation there is another tree with fruit and leaves that the saints of all time will be allowed to use. Certainly, Eden's tree was "attractive to the eyes" of the man and woman. In looking at it and "touching" it, did they actually consume or absorb knowledge into their being just as people do with smart-phones (or 'not-so-smart' phones)? The fruit of the other trees; including and especially the Tree of Life; was given to Adam and Eve to eat. Except for the Trees of Life and Knowledge, presumably the "fruit" of every other tree went into their mouths, down the esophagus and into the stomach. In that chamber, their enzymes whose DNA spirals in the opposite direction to the proteins in that food, broke it down into energy. Scientists have never explained how enzymes evolved to reside in organs flanking stomachs to get themselves secreted into the stomach to set off the equivalent to a nuclear reaction producing energy for our bodies from the insides of that protective chamber.
However, or instead, 'fruit' from the Tree of Knowledge went into their soul via the eyes and their fingers. We do not have any clues how they 'ate' from the Tree of Life. Indeed the Hebrew word to 'eat' or "acol" simply means "a all" and we can represent that as "@". Ironically, now, that incomplete circle depicts an imperfect and limited body of knowledge that best describes our Internet. It now stores all the information our IntelligenCIA has developed. Ross Geller of Friends, in circa 1998 confidently announced the "Internet would become a mind of its own in AD 2030". He is not the only one to have made such forecasts. However, God's Tree of Knowledge had perfect and goodly knowledge. But knowledge in the hands of lesser beings, whether angels or humans, without God's tutelage, would inevitably or ultimately destroy rather than compose.
Furthermore, the symbol "@" also shows that we have now come almost full circle back to Eden. Most people now resort to smart phones and computers as a sort of surrogate Tree of Knowledge to manage their lives. People wander the streets almost totally mesmerized and absorbed by whatever is on their smart phone. Smart phones have become intoxicatingly "pleasant to the eyes" as Eve said of the Tree of Knowledge. More often than not, their device is manufactured by Apple Computers. An artwork in the Vatican has effectively brainwashed the world into believing Adam and Eve ate from an apple tree.
One of the effects of the Covid19 Wuhan Virus almost certainly artificially manufactured in a gene-lab where scientists tried to play god is that everything we have been used to is now a thing of the past. So many commentators assure us "science and technology" will resolve our problems. Medical science will lengthen our lives perhaps by as much as another century before long, to two hundred, and even possibly for a millennium one day. Solar energy and other forms of 'renewable' energy will replace coal, gas and oil. A new world order, for the Hollywood dreamers, is about to take over. This sounds like George Orwell's Big Brother is on the way. However, the Bible's equivalent in this regard is the Antichrist-666.
The very fact that the world's IntelligenCIA can even entertain an idea like this is evidence we are indeed in the days of Daniel 12:4 and 9. The angel told the prophet that no one would understand what Daniel was writing in his book (circa 550 BC) in the Bible until a time when "travel and knowledge" would be "greatly increased". Covid19 has temporarily grounded planes so that people now zoom off to meetings in their homes on their personal computer or laptop. Other passages elsewhere in the Bible make similar points about what could or could not be understood in the last days immediately before the anti-messiah (antichrist) then the True Messiah intervene. The people of Israel are told to remember and cogitate on certain things over their generations (Genesis 49:1, Isaiah 42:23, Jeremiah 23:20 and in Psalm 78:2-3, the song-sheet Israel sings from every year at Pesach-Passover). Most generations have tried to make sense of passages in the Bible which the Good Book clearly says are written only for understanding by the last generation before the Messiah of Israel and Promised Deliverer of the World returns. That's when Jesus the Nazar-ene comes to take over as Psalms 8:4 and 110:1-6 affirm. As Lucifer-Satan would have it, just when the Bible's messages for the very last days can be deciphered, few if any have the faith to do so. In Luke 18:8, Jesus of Nazareth mused that Faith would be scarce at His "Coming".
Perhaps one of the silliest situations we now have in many parts of the world is that people with other illnesses are not getting the treatment they are supposed to. They are dying but we never hear about that. All we do hear about is the Covid19 deaths. Even then, most of the Covid19 patients who died were very sick with something else wrong with them, many of them close to the end of their natural life anyway. One report from the UK suggested there was a much higher mortality rate there amongst recent immigrants or recently arrived immigrant groups. As this observer noted while visiting a friend in Tottenham, the house next door was crammed with bunks sleeping people in eight-hour shifts through the day. Each occupant paid five pounds rent for a bunk rather than 100 or so as one did over in Harlesden for a bedsit. If the virus got hold in cramped living conditions like that, and those sick were slow or reluctant to seek medical help, it is a no-brainer that many would succumb to a horrible premature death. With many others in that collective of 'immigrants' who may have over-stayed visas, as we knew was happening, there would or could be a natural reluctance to seek treatment or hospitalization. That would be bound to accelerate both the rate of transmission and the death rate. But no one is allowed to say such things. Parallel reports from the UK suggested the death toll outside hospitals was significantly understating the country's real mortality rate from Covid19.
In many other cases, it may well be that kidney, liver, lung or other conditions were the real killer of the patient. Then again, many people in the past have died of "pneumonia". Or were they just prone to that because a stroke or heart condition had bedridden them? Certainly at very early rates of about 7%, the death rate from Covid19 was disturbingly high compared to what we might expect from a regular influenza epidemic. (The death rate as at July 2021 is about 2.1%). However, one might ask if the death rate to date from Covid19 is over-stated when these considerations are accounted for. Reports about Covid19 give plenty of scope to manipulate statistics to drive through whatever policy agenda 'authorities' may have. Potentially, all this is very Orwellian, or worse, Satanic.
Hidden Agendas or Conspiracies aside, it must be difficult for coroners and others in adjudicating exactly what kills a patient. Quite aside from all this, with the premature deaths in civil-war-torn places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Congo, Sudan, Rwanda, Libya, Ukraine, people vanishing in Mexico because of drug cartels ... the list gets longer, are we not getting too precious about Covid19? This is where we must therefore ask questions about what exactly geneticists and epidemiologists and others really know about the Wuhan-China Covid19 Virus. This observer has enough experience with eradication schemes for the diseases of Brucellosis, Tuberculosis and Leptospirosis from cattle herds to know there are complications here that potentially worry one a lot more. But we just cannot get the information. Perhaps a little knowledge indeed is a dangerous thing after all.
That is another thing that God effectively warned Adam about when he chose to disobey God's command to refrain from eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is where the Bible explained to us long, long ago, or about 6 millennia ago, in God's wise words to Adam, just what a dangerous situation modern science and technology would bring us into because Adam did not want to continue learning from God or because he let his curiosity get the better of him. Ipso facto, the wise Bible student today learns from God not from universities etc. In consuming from the Tree of Knowledge by himself, Adam decided to try things his way. God did give or allow him that option. Little did Adam realize, or could have realized; as we have learned from economics, philosophy and other disciplines; that a certain set of inevitable developments would be set in motion over the ensuing six millennia until today. We do not have the space here to trace all those developments.
However, it is well known that the Amish communities in the USA also warned us about this away back in the 17th century in their reaction ('pushback') to The Enlightenment (or Endarkenment for some). There is some evidence the Vatican at the height of its powers also tried to restrain technological development or the advancement of knowledge. Others have speculated that the Chinese also drew back from technological advancement after circa AD 1400. God certainly intervened at the Tower of Babel in this regard. Attempts to restrain technological development and the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge are usually short-term as people want or demand more relief from their hardships. Once a 'hardship' is removed another arrives in its place - real or imagined, the difference between 'needs' and 'wants'. That has always been the case. Only the Amish have continued to take heed of such warnings and achieve some success in this. They have done so for the best part of five centuries. Even from within their communities for those that break-away such as the Mennonites, or for those that might install a telephone in the village square but never in the home, the line against acceptance of some technological advances is sometimes breached. Where students of the Bible such as this observer amicably disagree with our Amish friends, is that we see the decision of Adam in circa 4000 BC as being something that set mankind on an inexorable pathway towards an inevitable conundrum at its end. God has intervened several times (e.g., at Babel in 2000 BC) to delay technological progress but only insofar as ensuring the 'Last Days' stage is reached at the end of 'Six Millennia'. Man and his institutions is trapped within an inexorable trend primarily in order to learn that God knows best. For example, we know from our studies into the economics of innovation, science and technology, that many social, political, theological and philosophical factors come into play to deliver 'progress' in the improvement of the human condition beset, as it is, by the consequences of Sin. An invention might be discovered even centuries before there can be widespread diffusion of it. It has taken about 5.75 millennia until about AD 1700 before a certain threshold could be reached to set off the massive exponential explosion of technological development since circa AD 1700. There have been such initial explosions in certain regions of the world in the past but a catastrophe of some sort snuffed that out. The Bible hints that God has allowed for a six millennia period for those developments to 'mature' to where they are now. The implication in the Bible being that Man would either have to appeal to God to save him or to accept Satan's rule. The Devil is the one who tempted Adam into this mess in the first place. Counterfeiting God's Plan via His Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Satan's only begotten son the Antichrist-666 will soon (we suspect) get the first attempt to deliver mankind from today's nightmares. While many people are asking if George Orwell's Big Brother is going to be the result of all this, the Bible says that 'BB' is Satan's son the Antichrist-666. However, Antichrist's plans will turn out to be a ruse with the real agenda to destroy Israel before that nation repents over its rejection of Jesus (Yeshua) which it will do according to Hosea 5:14 to 6:3, Zechariah 12:10 and other passages.
Anyway, whatever theological or philosophical position one takes on that, Covid19 certainly illustrates the seriousness of the problem. We had to prevent our hospitals being swamped with a horde of patients carrying a deadly and highly contagious and possibly genetically engineered virus. We suspect some experts know just how deadly this virus came to be via genetic engineering. That's perhaps really why authorities feared it would begin to kill lots of its medical staff as well as many patients and spread like wildfire throughout the community. To forestall that conundrum, governments had to wreck the world economy in a lockdown and close hospitals to everyone except doctors, nurses and Covid19 patients. Things got so bad that authorities then had to set up separate field-hospitals to take the Covid19 patients in order to prevent absolute chaos in hospitals. Also, we left other ill people with many different serious medical conditions struggling to survive. Some even died at home unable to get treatment. Only in hospitals could other very ill patients get what they needed. But then they too would be prone to the Covid19 virus; yet another conundrum illustrating the futility of Adam eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The medical authorities were and are in a cleft stick. They are between a rock and a hard place. They are between the Devil (and his son) and the Deep Blue Sea. There are many, many other issues that also present cleft-stick conundrums but they have all been brushed under the R.A.D.A.R.
Another problem is that technology helped us to find ways to eliminate many bugs and other nasties from the environment. However, in the countries where that was most successful we effectively, and perhaps naively, developed a population with weak immune systems with poor herd immunities. The people in such countries are now highly susceptible to the Wuhan Virus and perhaps many other genetically engineered viruses or un-engineered viruses that escaped from animals into human populations without the assistance of gene editing. In this sense, it may not be surprising that countries like China where vile animal practices abounded for millennia have populations with such 'herd immunities'. They experience much lower mortality rates. Moreover, drug- or alcohol-fueled partying and socializing also leaves people in poor physical condition. Bad food is yet another danger to a population's standard of health or strength of immunity. Nor has China done anything to eliminate the vile animal and human hygiene abuses that possibly led to, or facilitated, this Covid19 virus's ability to escape from its food markets. Indeed, we may simply be facing a parallel with the Black Death and Bubonic plague that bedevilled Europe over the last two millennia. In that sense, has China been perpetually at war with the West? Or do these plagues emanate westwards from China purely because of environmental factors? Whatever, China needs to clean up her act. Meanwhile, many under-developed countries appear to be reporting a much lower incidence of Covid19 sufferers. Is that because they actually have populations effectively immune to this particular virus? Or are their records simply hopelessly inaccurate? Even without Covid19, other scourges like Ebola, Measles, Malaria etc., are wreaking just as much if not more damage and havoc before Covid19 gets a hold on people there. Some war zones where people are effectively self-isolating just to keep safe from random bombs, mortar shells or bullets are effectively suppressing Covid19.
We simply do not know the answers to these questions. That's only the beginning of our problems. The oil industry went into temporary chaos as cars and planes disappeared off the roads and out of the air. Plenty of Greenies are chortling that clear skies are once again seen in Delhi and Beijing and the Himalayas are visible in North India. But that only raises the suspicion that a confederacy of health tsars and environmentalists is slamming the world economy into reverse under the cover of Covid19. That's another conundrum mankind is facing. In order to deliver rising standards of living, especially in health, a growing economy has become mandatory to finance the discovery, development and diffusion of the knowledge needed to deliver those rising standards and demands, whether 'wants' or 'needs'! The environmentalists may think they are winning by working with health tsars to slow down and even de-couple the world economy from its engine drivers but they will also find out they cannot deliver. Jethro Tull; one would suggest eloquently expressing the Bible's warnings about knlowledge; put it eloquently in his song Locomotive Breath, "in the shuffling madness there is no way to slow down". The hospitals need respirators but the world needs an aqualung. In this sense, the environmentalists are the most naïve of all. The pollution the Biblical prophet Isaiah 24:5 warned would exist one day in the Last Days, means that the economists do not have an answer either. They are juggling finances so that governments around the world can stay solvent. Although in many cases only under the most liberally wide meaning of that term. But that leaves the politicians saying they rely on the scientists and economists when it is clear neither can help them. We have much more to say on this subject which you can read by visiting:
In particular on our 'Cloud' site above, we have a "Key Events" series, a sort of diary, that comments on many issues on the back of various statements made in world headlines going back to 2013. One has been composing "Key Events" almost on a daily basis for seven years now. Although one has been making many dire warnings about things to come, based on Biblical prophecies and news reports, this Covid19 crisis came rather out of the blue.
Furthermore, or perhaps despicably, China's hi-tech gene lab in Wuhan gets plenty of support from wealthy 'entrepreneurs' from all over the world. Those greedy, ambitious and ultra-evolutionist futurists are looking for a get-rich-quick revenue stream from genetic engineering. They are also looking for genetic tools to enable people to survive in Outer Space. They finance programmes most countries believe to be abhorrent and dangerous. China and other regions of East Asia; without any Jewish or Christian ethics, morality or heritage; have been saying to gene-mercenaries, "you are welcome here". Outside China, we have been warning scientists they should not transfer genetic material from one "kind" (or 'species' in Biblical language) into another. Pollen transfers genes across all plants which are quite different to other life forms on Earth. However, and in sharp contrast to pollen, genes in each animal kind, scientists prefer the term "species", should stay within that species-kind. That's because each genome (or species-kind) has two basic sections. The "Operating" section where most common genetic programmes to 'run' systems for eating, locomotion, respiration, excretion, reproduction etc., can be quite similar across all kinds. Those that fly have wings. Other kinds do not but fish uniquely have gills and fins. Birds are able to walk like the rest of us on the land so the genetic programmes for locomotion can be quite similar across many species on land or in the air. However, the majority of the genomes have a bigger section unique to each species-kind. It formerly was known as "Junk DNA". Elsewhere one explains what that 'Junk DNA' really does do for us now, very briefly did do for us in Eden and will do for us in the future Messianic Millennial Kingdom Israel's Messiah will usher in. That is at the end of the Tribulation-Apocalypse section of the Bible's Book of Revelation. The whole question what precisely a "species" is was considered at New Zealand's Royal Commission into Genetic Engineering over 20 years ago. It reported there are about 22 different definitions of a "species". That in itself shows what an appalling state modern science has descended into. As the Bible says in I Corinthians 1:19-20, 25, 3:19, Man's knowledge is generally foolishness to God which is partly why scientists had to describe the majority of our DNA as "Junk". The Junk-Joke is on them. In our studies, we ask if the science is junk, not God's Word.
Behind all this, lies the fascinating and hideously complex model of the RNA-DNA Model purportedly explaining what life is or may be ("The Biosphere"). Let's take it as read that atoms and molecules do exist. However, our starting point here comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes 4:8-12 in the Bible which tells us that "two is better than one" but that a "three-fold cord is not quickly broken". With two, one can support the other. One alone is the weakest of all. "RNA" and "DNA" are nucleic acids (NA). The 'D' in "DNA" stands for "two". In our 'DNA' two 'RNA' strands are inseparably inter-woven. 'DNA actually is two NA or RNA strands utterly bound up with each other in a spiraling 'helix' of long strings of four main "base" pairs of acidic-like substances labelled for short-form as "G, C, A and T". Thus, an "RNA" string consists of "nucleic acids". In a way, we can liken these 'strings' to a man and his woman (wife, spouse). Sometimes from outside there is an interloper (RNA Virus) trying to disrupt the marriage but sometimes having no effect at all. Inside wombs, an RNA string actually is involved in stitching a brand-new person together from two already extant adults. In each succeeding generation, a few more less than fit-for-purpose genes get copied into the new being's make-up. That's true for animals, birds, fish and man. Over six millennia since Adam's Fall, those negative traits have been steadily accumulating and exacerbating health and intelligence outcomes.
From what one can gather from science outlets, viruses can be single strands of RNA or "nucleic acid". Most sources agree viruses also can be composed of DNA. (We wonder, from our Biblical perspective, if really nasty viruses are unstable RNA and not the more stable 'double-helix' DNA). If a virus is indeed just a rogue or random string of RNA out in the environment or in the biosphere but it can stitch together a new person in a womb then is it any surprise out in the environment a 'virus' can cause life destroying havoc? Whatever, viruses apparently can affect or alter genes. So geneticists actually use them to play around with genes for research etc. Occasionally, it is thought in some quarters, these "mutations" are beneficial to an organism. Mostly, "mutations" harm genes according to other observers. It is also claimed mutations have no noticeable effect ("neutral") on an organism's function, appearance, behaviour etc. Princeton University's Dr. Velikovsky believed these strings could be genetically altered in some way. He suggested from his theory in his 1946 book "Worlds in Collision" (the London Economist's Gallivanting Planets in its New Year 2020 special edition) "mutations" abounded in electro-magnetic discharges from outer space during close encounters with planets and asteroids. [This is something N.A.S.A. is putting a lot of effort in researching but on the quiet]. According to this part of his work, Dr. Velikovsky suggested that on several occasions the world was exposed to ultra-violet light, various other rays like Gamma Rays etc., which facilitated genetic changes leading to a multiplicity of different species. For the most part, we doubt all that but suggest his idea has as much validity as either Darwin's or Lamarck's or ideas of their disciples. Then Stephen J. Gould seems to have plagiarized Dr. Velikovsky with "Punctuated Equilibrium". Right now, the Covid19 virus is puncturing a lot of equilibria especially in the realm of Economics. Whatever, 'Evolution' has long since lost its ability to explain how these things came into being.
One's survey of scientific papers on the subject suggests single strands of RNA are involved in 'reading' and 'copying' information from the genes we get from parents to knit together a new person (or animal or plant). The IAEA says "RNA copies, transcribes and transmits parts of the genetic code to proteins so they can synthetize and carry out functions that keep organisms alive and developing". We add, "but this process also leads to defective (thus "mutated") genes appearing and being passed on to future generations - as the result of Adam's Fall. Somehow this seems to relate to RNA not working properly or no longer working properly. From the Biblical perspective, this also suggests that ideally three RNA strands are supposed to work in complete unity in function, purpose, goal, philosophy etc., within a united harmony where one strand brings two others together, one from each of two parents a male and a female, into one new complete being in the wombs of all females. Tragically and unfortunately, also from the Biblical perspective, failures in this system are somehow due to "living beings" no longer having access to the Tree of Life in Eden. From Genesis, we might wonder if in each generation, there is a little more 'deterioration' occurring in gene-strands which, over the long-run in many successive generations, accumulates and makes organisms 'genetically' weaker. So does the Fall of Adam in Eden somehow relate to one RNA strand being detached from the double helix of all life? Or did the Tree of Life in Eden somehow ensure that 'third strand' behaved properly and beneficially, rather than adversely, at all times?
Of course it seems absurd that anyone can seriously think all this stuff "EVOLVED" which is what Lamarck, Darwin, Velikovsky and Gould all tried to demonstrate. We are concerned an almost universal, uncritical evolutionist paradigm forces 'modern science' to overlook some questions such as why there should be viruses in the first place. However, we inadvertently may have discovered in these Last Days; assuming our interpretations of prophecy are correct or close to the mark; new information, i.e., from the Bible, about the actual nature of the Fall of Adam. But that was something no other generation before us could even conceive! We may now be in a world of DNA life forms seriously beset by an overwhelming aggregation of rogue RNA strings and other disadvantageous circumstances. Not only are we fighting those viruses that have been besetting us ever since Adam's Fall in Eden circa 4000 BC but we are now also attacked by genetic forms those evil- or corruptly-minded geneticists compose or manipulate as well. Leading UK virologist Chris Smith recently noted the Covid19 virus has not mutated much apart from in a couple of insignificant segments of its 30,000-strong genome. One would suggest (Dr. Smith did not) this is evidence the Covid19 virus has been genetically engineered or re-engineered. If it's in a purely natural form; i.e., that is has not been varied in any way with material from a different Junk DNA environment; it surely would by now have significantly mutated (i.e., devolved not evolved) as viruses generally do. That might suggest that its 'designers' have somehow miscalculated or bungled during some experiments. (Some are tempted into believing some one was really attempting to develop a biological weapon. However, in Sir Alexander Fleming's example, it was a mistake in the lab that led to the discovery of penicillin and no one is complaining about that!) Perhaps the Covid19 issue has arisen by accident or in ignorance rather than by design. Via 'transfers', for example by involving rare or exotic animals imported from across the globe, this 'virus' has unexpectedly escaped once brought into being. If everyone were honest and transparent, that would now be either confirmed or denied. However, no one in-the-know is going to admit to this as Sigourney Weaver's colleagues demonstrated in the Alien films. This entire episode with Covid19 demonstrates yet another aspect of the way the world is in sin and Fallen.
We can also pose the question whether we have (perhaps inadvertently) discovered information that reflects what actually happened in the "Biosphere" with the separation of the Man and his wife from God in that fateful situation in Eden. We have to say here, Adam took himself away from God. It was not God taking Himself away from Adam and Eve. They were the culprits, not God, but only a very small group of people today believe and accept that. Most people blame God. God says, and He should know by virtue of all that He Created, each person ever born would have done the same thing as Adam. This observer agrees with God about this. Thus one approves, concurs with and purposes to 'prove' God's Plan or Will (Romans 12:1-2) for what happens afterwards. Nevertheless, others have a God-given right to disagree. Thus we wonder if some sort of Tri-Unity was upset when Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Certainly, "The Tri-Unity" was offended by Adam but the Middle Person, the Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, out of "Love for the World" (John 3:16) came to dwell amongst us in order to present Himself as a Sacrifice for the sin of Man in order to propitiate God's wrath over what happened in Eden and subsequently.
It has been a long time since the churches taught some of these things. But we now realize, by closer examination of the Biblical Hebrew in the light of the world's information explosion, the Bible has been to a certain extent codified. It's codes are simple bearing in mind even alphabets are codes. For example, there is evidence that untouchable or forbidden Tree of knowledge in Eden actually was a computer like a smart-phone somehow embedded in a tree of some sort - unless the word 'tree' in that case was metaphorical. Knowledge is generally seen as being like a tree with roots (axioms and paradigms) a trunk (the main body of information) and many branches and sub-branches using the 'nutrients' from the roots and trunk to spread out into the world with 'fruit and leaves' for consumption or application. At the end of the Bible in the Book of Revelation there is another tree with fruit and leaves that the saints of all time will be allowed to use. Certainly, Eden's tree was "attractive to the eyes" of the man and woman. In looking at it and "touching" it, did they actually consume or absorb knowledge into their being just as people do with smart-phones (or 'not-so-smart' phones)? The fruit of the other trees; including and especially the Tree of Life; was given to Adam and Eve to eat. Except for the Trees of Life and Knowledge, presumably the "fruit" of every other tree went into their mouths, down the esophagus and into the stomach. In that chamber, their enzymes whose DNA spirals in the opposite direction to the proteins in that food, broke it down into energy. Scientists have never explained how enzymes evolved to reside in organs flanking stomachs to get themselves secreted into the stomach to set off the equivalent to a nuclear reaction producing energy for our bodies from the insides of that protective chamber.
However, or instead, 'fruit' from the Tree of Knowledge went into their soul via the eyes and their fingers. We do not have any clues how they 'ate' from the Tree of Life. Indeed the Hebrew word to 'eat' or "acol" simply means "a all" and we can represent that as "@". Ironically, now, that incomplete circle depicts an imperfect and limited body of knowledge that best describes our Internet. It now stores all the information our IntelligenCIA has developed. Ross Geller of Friends, in circa 1998 confidently announced the "Internet would become a mind of its own in AD 2030". He is not the only one to have made such forecasts. However, God's Tree of Knowledge had perfect and goodly knowledge. But knowledge in the hands of lesser beings, whether angels or humans, without God's tutelage, would inevitably or ultimately destroy rather than compose.
Furthermore, the symbol "@" also shows that we have now come almost full circle back to Eden. Most people now resort to smart phones and computers as a sort of surrogate Tree of Knowledge to manage their lives. People wander the streets almost totally mesmerized and absorbed by whatever is on their smart phone. Smart phones have become intoxicatingly "pleasant to the eyes" as Eve said of the Tree of Knowledge. More often than not, their device is manufactured by Apple Computers. An artwork in the Vatican has effectively brainwashed the world into believing Adam and Eve ate from an apple tree.
One of the effects of the Covid19 Wuhan Virus almost certainly artificially manufactured in a gene-lab where scientists tried to play god is that everything we have been used to is now a thing of the past. So many commentators assure us "science and technology" will resolve our problems. Medical science will lengthen our lives perhaps by as much as another century before long, to two hundred, and even possibly for a millennium one day. Solar energy and other forms of 'renewable' energy will replace coal, gas and oil. A new world order, for the Hollywood dreamers, is about to take over. This sounds like George Orwell's Big Brother is on the way. However, the Bible's equivalent in this regard is the Antichrist-666.
The very fact that the world's IntelligenCIA can even entertain an idea like this is evidence we are indeed in the days of Daniel 12:4 and 9. The angel told the prophet that no one would understand what Daniel was writing in his book (circa 550 BC) in the Bible until a time when "travel and knowledge" would be "greatly increased". Covid19 has temporarily grounded planes so that people now zoom off to meetings in their homes on their personal computer or laptop. Other passages elsewhere in the Bible make similar points about what could or could not be understood in the last days immediately before the anti-messiah (antichrist) then the True Messiah intervene. The people of Israel are told to remember and cogitate on certain things over their generations (Genesis 49:1, Isaiah 42:23, Jeremiah 23:20 and in Psalm 78:2-3, the song-sheet Israel sings from every year at Pesach-Passover). Most generations have tried to make sense of passages in the Bible which the Good Book clearly says are written only for understanding by the last generation before the Messiah of Israel and Promised Deliverer of the World returns. That's when Jesus the Nazar-ene comes to take over as Psalms 8:4 and 110:1-6 affirm. As Lucifer-Satan would have it, just when the Bible's messages for the very last days can be deciphered, few if any have the faith to do so. In Luke 18:8, Jesus of Nazareth mused that Faith would be scarce at His "Coming".
Perhaps one of the silliest situations we now have in many parts of the world is that people with other illnesses are not getting the treatment they are supposed to. They are dying but we never hear about that. All we do hear about is the Covid19 deaths. Even then, most of the Covid19 patients who died were very sick with something else wrong with them, many of them close to the end of their natural life anyway. One report from the UK suggested there was a much higher mortality rate there amongst recent immigrants or recently arrived immigrant groups. As this observer noted while visiting a friend in Tottenham, the house next door was crammed with bunks sleeping people in eight-hour shifts through the day. Each occupant paid five pounds rent for a bunk rather than 100 or so as one did over in Harlesden for a bedsit. If the virus got hold in cramped living conditions like that, and those sick were slow or reluctant to seek medical help, it is a no-brainer that many would succumb to a horrible premature death. With many others in that collective of 'immigrants' who may have over-stayed visas, as we knew was happening, there would or could be a natural reluctance to seek treatment or hospitalization. That would be bound to accelerate both the rate of transmission and the death rate. But no one is allowed to say such things. Parallel reports from the UK suggested the death toll outside hospitals was significantly understating the country's real mortality rate from Covid19.
In many other cases, it may well be that kidney, liver, lung or other conditions were the real killer of the patient. Then again, many people in the past have died of "pneumonia". Or were they just prone to that because a stroke or heart condition had bedridden them? Certainly at very early rates of about 7%, the death rate from Covid19 was disturbingly high compared to what we might expect from a regular influenza epidemic. (The death rate as at July 2021 is about 2.1%). However, one might ask if the death rate to date from Covid19 is over-stated when these considerations are accounted for. Reports about Covid19 give plenty of scope to manipulate statistics to drive through whatever policy agenda 'authorities' may have. Potentially, all this is very Orwellian, or worse, Satanic.
Hidden Agendas or Conspiracies aside, it must be difficult for coroners and others in adjudicating exactly what kills a patient. Quite aside from all this, with the premature deaths in civil-war-torn places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Congo, Sudan, Rwanda, Libya, Ukraine, people vanishing in Mexico because of drug cartels ... the list gets longer, are we not getting too precious about Covid19? This is where we must therefore ask questions about what exactly geneticists and epidemiologists and others really know about the Wuhan-China Covid19 Virus. This observer has enough experience with eradication schemes for the diseases of Brucellosis, Tuberculosis and Leptospirosis from cattle herds to know there are complications here that potentially worry one a lot more. But we just cannot get the information. Perhaps a little knowledge indeed is a dangerous thing after all.
That is another thing that God effectively warned Adam about when he chose to disobey God's command to refrain from eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. This is where the Bible explained to us long, long ago, or about 6 millennia ago, in God's wise words to Adam, just what a dangerous situation modern science and technology would bring us into because Adam did not want to continue learning from God or because he let his curiosity get the better of him. Ipso facto, the wise Bible student today learns from God not from universities etc. In consuming from the Tree of Knowledge by himself, Adam decided to try things his way. God did give or allow him that option. Little did Adam realize, or could have realized; as we have learned from economics, philosophy and other disciplines; that a certain set of inevitable developments would be set in motion over the ensuing six millennia until today. We do not have the space here to trace all those developments.
However, it is well known that the Amish communities in the USA also warned us about this away back in the 17th century in their reaction ('pushback') to The Enlightenment (or Endarkenment for some). There is some evidence the Vatican at the height of its powers also tried to restrain technological development or the advancement of knowledge. Others have speculated that the Chinese also drew back from technological advancement after circa AD 1400. God certainly intervened at the Tower of Babel in this regard. Attempts to restrain technological development and the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge are usually short-term as people want or demand more relief from their hardships. Once a 'hardship' is removed another arrives in its place - real or imagined, the difference between 'needs' and 'wants'. That has always been the case. Only the Amish have continued to take heed of such warnings and achieve some success in this. They have done so for the best part of five centuries. Even from within their communities for those that break-away such as the Mennonites, or for those that might install a telephone in the village square but never in the home, the line against acceptance of some technological advances is sometimes breached. Where students of the Bible such as this observer amicably disagree with our Amish friends, is that we see the decision of Adam in circa 4000 BC as being something that set mankind on an inexorable pathway towards an inevitable conundrum at its end. God has intervened several times (e.g., at Babel in 2000 BC) to delay technological progress but only insofar as ensuring the 'Last Days' stage is reached at the end of 'Six Millennia'. Man and his institutions is trapped within an inexorable trend primarily in order to learn that God knows best. For example, we know from our studies into the economics of innovation, science and technology, that many social, political, theological and philosophical factors come into play to deliver 'progress' in the improvement of the human condition beset, as it is, by the consequences of Sin. An invention might be discovered even centuries before there can be widespread diffusion of it. It has taken about 5.75 millennia until about AD 1700 before a certain threshold could be reached to set off the massive exponential explosion of technological development since circa AD 1700. There have been such initial explosions in certain regions of the world in the past but a catastrophe of some sort snuffed that out. The Bible hints that God has allowed for a six millennia period for those developments to 'mature' to where they are now. The implication in the Bible being that Man would either have to appeal to God to save him or to accept Satan's rule. The Devil is the one who tempted Adam into this mess in the first place. Counterfeiting God's Plan via His Only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth, Satan's only begotten son the Antichrist-666 will soon (we suspect) get the first attempt to deliver mankind from today's nightmares. While many people are asking if George Orwell's Big Brother is going to be the result of all this, the Bible says that 'BB' is Satan's son the Antichrist-666. However, Antichrist's plans will turn out to be a ruse with the real agenda to destroy Israel before that nation repents over its rejection of Jesus (Yeshua) which it will do according to Hosea 5:14 to 6:3, Zechariah 12:10 and other passages.
Anyway, whatever theological or philosophical position one takes on that, Covid19 certainly illustrates the seriousness of the problem. We had to prevent our hospitals being swamped with a horde of patients carrying a deadly and highly contagious and possibly genetically engineered virus. We suspect some experts know just how deadly this virus came to be via genetic engineering. That's perhaps really why authorities feared it would begin to kill lots of its medical staff as well as many patients and spread like wildfire throughout the community. To forestall that conundrum, governments had to wreck the world economy in a lockdown and close hospitals to everyone except doctors, nurses and Covid19 patients. Things got so bad that authorities then had to set up separate field-hospitals to take the Covid19 patients in order to prevent absolute chaos in hospitals. Also, we left other ill people with many different serious medical conditions struggling to survive. Some even died at home unable to get treatment. Only in hospitals could other very ill patients get what they needed. But then they too would be prone to the Covid19 virus; yet another conundrum illustrating the futility of Adam eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The medical authorities were and are in a cleft stick. They are between a rock and a hard place. They are between the Devil (and his son) and the Deep Blue Sea. There are many, many other issues that also present cleft-stick conundrums but they have all been brushed under the R.A.D.A.R.
Another problem is that technology helped us to find ways to eliminate many bugs and other nasties from the environment. However, in the countries where that was most successful we effectively, and perhaps naively, developed a population with weak immune systems with poor herd immunities. The people in such countries are now highly susceptible to the Wuhan Virus and perhaps many other genetically engineered viruses or un-engineered viruses that escaped from animals into human populations without the assistance of gene editing. In this sense, it may not be surprising that countries like China where vile animal practices abounded for millennia have populations with such 'herd immunities'. They experience much lower mortality rates. Moreover, drug- or alcohol-fueled partying and socializing also leaves people in poor physical condition. Bad food is yet another danger to a population's standard of health or strength of immunity. Nor has China done anything to eliminate the vile animal and human hygiene abuses that possibly led to, or facilitated, this Covid19 virus's ability to escape from its food markets. Indeed, we may simply be facing a parallel with the Black Death and Bubonic plague that bedevilled Europe over the last two millennia. In that sense, has China been perpetually at war with the West? Or do these plagues emanate westwards from China purely because of environmental factors? Whatever, China needs to clean up her act. Meanwhile, many under-developed countries appear to be reporting a much lower incidence of Covid19 sufferers. Is that because they actually have populations effectively immune to this particular virus? Or are their records simply hopelessly inaccurate? Even without Covid19, other scourges like Ebola, Measles, Malaria etc., are wreaking just as much if not more damage and havoc before Covid19 gets a hold on people there. Some war zones where people are effectively self-isolating just to keep safe from random bombs, mortar shells or bullets are effectively suppressing Covid19.
We simply do not know the answers to these questions. That's only the beginning of our problems. The oil industry went into temporary chaos as cars and planes disappeared off the roads and out of the air. Plenty of Greenies are chortling that clear skies are once again seen in Delhi and Beijing and the Himalayas are visible in North India. But that only raises the suspicion that a confederacy of health tsars and environmentalists is slamming the world economy into reverse under the cover of Covid19. That's another conundrum mankind is facing. In order to deliver rising standards of living, especially in health, a growing economy has become mandatory to finance the discovery, development and diffusion of the knowledge needed to deliver those rising standards and demands, whether 'wants' or 'needs'! The environmentalists may think they are winning by working with health tsars to slow down and even de-couple the world economy from its engine drivers but they will also find out they cannot deliver. Jethro Tull; one would suggest eloquently expressing the Bible's warnings about knlowledge; put it eloquently in his song Locomotive Breath, "in the shuffling madness there is no way to slow down". The hospitals need respirators but the world needs an aqualung. In this sense, the environmentalists are the most naïve of all. The pollution the Biblical prophet Isaiah 24:5 warned would exist one day in the Last Days, means that the economists do not have an answer either. They are juggling finances so that governments around the world can stay solvent. Although in many cases only under the most liberally wide meaning of that term. But that leaves the politicians saying they rely on the scientists and economists when it is clear neither can help them. We have much more to say on this subject which you can read by visiting:
In particular on our 'Cloud' site above, we have a "Key Events" series, a sort of diary, that comments on many issues on the back of various statements made in world headlines going back to 2013. One has been composing "Key Events" almost on a daily basis for seven years now. Although one has been making many dire warnings about things to come, based on Biblical prophecies and news reports, this Covid19 crisis came rather out of the blue.
However, no one is looking at all the issues raised here from God's point of view as declared in the Bible. Most people reject the Bible now as fairy tales. However, only God could foreknow what would happen to us as a result or consequence of all our errors, evil, envy, rivalry and jealousy (the Bible calls that 'error' "sin").
Much of the Bible was composed so that every generation could understand the overall plan God has for this chaotic world. However, it is equally clear, certain passages were not to be understood until the world entered a specific era or period in History (or His Story). That is variously labelled in the Bible itself as 'The Last (or Latter) Days', 'The End of the Age' or as Israel's Prophet Daniel was advised, "The days when travel and knowledge would greatly increase" (Daniel 12:4, 9). Whether we are now in such a period, era, 'age' or epoch remains to be seen. But one will proceed anyway.
The Bible quotes Jesus of Nazareth talking about "The Days of Noah". He used that term in reference to a special day He wanted His followers to always be ready for. Commonly named "The Rapture", it is a day when the believers both living and the dead in their graves receive their glorified (resurrected) bodies. All resurrected believers are assembled in Heaven for a short period while all hell breaks loose here on Earth. Those will be the days of the Apocalypse culminating with Antichrist's campaign of Armageddon where he tries to destroy Israel. Our current troubles are the long-run consequence of Man's pursuit of the Tree of Knowledge that God commanded Adam to leave alone. We now know by deciphering the Hebrew text in Genesis that it was a touch-tronic computer Adam and Eve played around with indicating we have now come almost full circle back to that fateful day in Eden as we all run into smart-phone users walking the streets oblivious to anything going on around them.
The "Days of Noah" refer to something that will take place a long time after that Great and terrible world-wide flood. Few realize the world before the Flood was something like a single land-mass probably sloping towards the Ocean. There were no mountains. The land-mass shared the globe with a single ocean unless it formed some sort of ring bounded by a northern and southern ocean. If there was a single land-mass, the more likely option, its rivers and subsidiary streams from its centre flowed to the ocean. During the Flood the crust was rent apart to produce the mountains and continents we now see. The massive Atlantic trench split the Americas from Europe and Africa. Before that great split, Brazil and Argentina were tucked in under Nigeria and alongside the West African nations (Cameroun and Angola, Namibia and South Africa). The excess water that emerged from beneath the land-mass was dried up by unique never-before seen winds. They were the result of a massively restructured land-mass and oceans. The catastrophe thus led to chaotic convection currents in both air and sea. A mix of heated volcanic air combining with water-vapour cooled in the upper atmosphere to form also never-before seen 'snow'. Over a ten-month period, according to Genesis, this new environment eventually dumped snow and ice on the two polar regions and on the many mountain ranges that emerged from all the uplift and associated chaos. In effect, the snow-capped mountain ranges and associated glaciers formed a third ice-cap. Now all three 'ice-caps' are melting under the globe's ambient temperature of about fifteen degrees.
Thus, from that initial catastrophe, the Earth has been going through various degrees of volatility. The slowly melting ice caps, with the Earth's ambient temperature at about 15 degrees, are leading to warmer temperatures. This is just like an ice cube melting in a glass of water while you eat your meal. The physics are exactly the same. But the ice in your glass of water completely melts leaving your water warm (room temperature) in minutes.
Our three 'ice-caps' will take a few thousand years longer to completely melt. However, as they shrink more and more, the rate of melting accelerates, in the same way it does in your glass of water though you may not notice that. Defrost a big freezer and you will observe this unique process as the ice begins to melt at an exponential rate. You should be able to remove the weakening chunks of ice and deposit them into a sink instead of mopping up lots of water if you are observant. Now, we seem to be going through some sort of climate threshold. The balance between the ice volume and other factors has taken a sudden lurch away, or departure from an existing 'norm', so that we have come out of a comparative calm of the last few centuries. We know there are many factors that did that sort of thing in the past. People talk about mini ice-ages of a few centuries ago based on some European climate data. But that information is very patchy and barely scientific. We may be going through a particularly dangerous re-balancing right now. Possibly one of the other 'factors' contributing to the severity of this re-balancing has been the loss of many forests because people cut them down for various reasons.
Much of the Bible was composed so that every generation could understand the overall plan God has for this chaotic world. However, it is equally clear, certain passages were not to be understood until the world entered a specific era or period in History (or His Story). That is variously labelled in the Bible itself as 'The Last (or Latter) Days', 'The End of the Age' or as Israel's Prophet Daniel was advised, "The days when travel and knowledge would greatly increase" (Daniel 12:4, 9). Whether we are now in such a period, era, 'age' or epoch remains to be seen. But one will proceed anyway.
The Bible quotes Jesus of Nazareth talking about "The Days of Noah". He used that term in reference to a special day He wanted His followers to always be ready for. Commonly named "The Rapture", it is a day when the believers both living and the dead in their graves receive their glorified (resurrected) bodies. All resurrected believers are assembled in Heaven for a short period while all hell breaks loose here on Earth. Those will be the days of the Apocalypse culminating with Antichrist's campaign of Armageddon where he tries to destroy Israel. Our current troubles are the long-run consequence of Man's pursuit of the Tree of Knowledge that God commanded Adam to leave alone. We now know by deciphering the Hebrew text in Genesis that it was a touch-tronic computer Adam and Eve played around with indicating we have now come almost full circle back to that fateful day in Eden as we all run into smart-phone users walking the streets oblivious to anything going on around them.
The "Days of Noah" refer to something that will take place a long time after that Great and terrible world-wide flood. Few realize the world before the Flood was something like a single land-mass probably sloping towards the Ocean. There were no mountains. The land-mass shared the globe with a single ocean unless it formed some sort of ring bounded by a northern and southern ocean. If there was a single land-mass, the more likely option, its rivers and subsidiary streams from its centre flowed to the ocean. During the Flood the crust was rent apart to produce the mountains and continents we now see. The massive Atlantic trench split the Americas from Europe and Africa. Before that great split, Brazil and Argentina were tucked in under Nigeria and alongside the West African nations (Cameroun and Angola, Namibia and South Africa). The excess water that emerged from beneath the land-mass was dried up by unique never-before seen winds. They were the result of a massively restructured land-mass and oceans. The catastrophe thus led to chaotic convection currents in both air and sea. A mix of heated volcanic air combining with water-vapour cooled in the upper atmosphere to form also never-before seen 'snow'. Over a ten-month period, according to Genesis, this new environment eventually dumped snow and ice on the two polar regions and on the many mountain ranges that emerged from all the uplift and associated chaos. In effect, the snow-capped mountain ranges and associated glaciers formed a third ice-cap. Now all three 'ice-caps' are melting under the globe's ambient temperature of about fifteen degrees.
Thus, from that initial catastrophe, the Earth has been going through various degrees of volatility. The slowly melting ice caps, with the Earth's ambient temperature at about 15 degrees, are leading to warmer temperatures. This is just like an ice cube melting in a glass of water while you eat your meal. The physics are exactly the same. But the ice in your glass of water completely melts leaving your water warm (room temperature) in minutes.
Our three 'ice-caps' will take a few thousand years longer to completely melt. However, as they shrink more and more, the rate of melting accelerates, in the same way it does in your glass of water though you may not notice that. Defrost a big freezer and you will observe this unique process as the ice begins to melt at an exponential rate. You should be able to remove the weakening chunks of ice and deposit them into a sink instead of mopping up lots of water if you are observant. Now, we seem to be going through some sort of climate threshold. The balance between the ice volume and other factors has taken a sudden lurch away, or departure from an existing 'norm', so that we have come out of a comparative calm of the last few centuries. We know there are many factors that did that sort of thing in the past. People talk about mini ice-ages of a few centuries ago based on some European climate data. But that information is very patchy and barely scientific. We may be going through a particularly dangerous re-balancing right now. Possibly one of the other 'factors' contributing to the severity of this re-balancing has been the loss of many forests because people cut them down for various reasons.
We can identify various reasons for, or factors contributing to this apparent 'climate-change' but it has nothing to do with the carbon dioxide in the air because the volume is so small at a miserly 400 or so parts per million. Clearly, the Earth's Oxygen, Nitrogen, water vapour and other non-gas factors have significant roles in upsetting typical climate patterns. All this could be close to the norm, whatever that is, but we have insufficient data to help us do anything other than guess what is actually or really happening. So now we are getting heavier rain storms and more earthquakes and volcanos as the result of an atmosphere severely degraded after the Flood. The globe appears to be absorbing too much energy form the sun.
Mid July 2019, Auckland University's Dendrochronology team effectively presented us with stunning evidence, but not proof, supporting our chronology of the Flood, based on the Bible's own chronology. Their evidence can be said to suggest the Flood occurred near the year 2488 BC. 'AUD', after many years of amazing work, has gathered a sequence, by analyzing many wood-samples collected over the years of Kauri tree rings. They now have a run of tree-ring patterns going as far back as "2488 BC" or just over 4.5 thousand years' worth of samples. They may yet be able to extend that sequence many more centuries or even millennia further back in time. We suggest, however, under our 'Flood Hypothesis', they will not or cannot find any older samples because the very first rings are of seeds that were blown in or floated to the newly-emerged islands of this part of the South Pacific (NZ). This work by AUD is the art or science of "dendro-chronology". Theoretically, the kauri wood (lumber, timber) can be used to date various archaeological or anthropological strata elsewhere in the region or perhaps when a sailing ship was constructed because many times Kauri was used for that particular purpose. From the Bible's own internal chronology, one can date the Flood between 2450 and 2500 BC. There are technical reasons for not being any more specific than that. In our model of the world's geology, we believe New Zealand, Australia and Antarctica only emerged from the ocean floor during the flood.
Antarctica, over about ten months, was rapidly buried in 3000 meters of snow. But not before massive volumes of flotsam of flesh and vegetation from the original land-mass gathered on its newly emerged shores and mountains as the snow fell at the same time. Thus we have down there a sort of Antarctic Pudding recording a portfolio of life forms from the original land-mass. New Zealand's Alps, likewise forming at the same time, collected huge volumes of snow as well. In fact, most of New Zealand was probably covered in snow for a short period (like the British Isles). NZ's glaciers are testimony to its recent existence (above the water-line) in the post-Flood environment as the globe gradually reached a new environmental equilibrium and began re-warming. In the far north of New Zealand, where most Kauri today is found, seeds from Kauri floating ashore in the post-flood flotsam soon put down roots and a little later began producing tree rings indicating each year what the climate was like. It seems that began around the year 2488 BC, according to University of Auckland, just twelve years after New Zealand's soils were first exposed to sunlight, air, carbon dioxide and of course, 78 parts per hundred of Nitrogen the main gas we all breath. The world atmosphere is spiced with a bit of Oxygen (16-17 parts per hundred) and other assorted gases, water vapour etc. Like a pinch of salt in a thousand gallon vat of stew, there is a little bit of carbon dioxide which like some sort of miracle seems to feed most of our plants and trees with the necessary carbon they need. We believe they are not getting enough carbon dioxide being starved of perhaps 80% of the actual volume they need.
The predecessors or ancestors of NZ Kauri had been growing on some part of the original continental land-mass. Some cousins to NZ Kauri probably still do exist elsewhere. However, the 'naturalists' either have not found them or are secretly hiding that information from us as is the Academy's normal practice when it uncovers things it's paradigms do not like. Any search for kauri elsewhere may be difficult because New Zealand's trees may have altered genetically to suit the different soils on these shaky isles, perhaps lacking in nutrients in the soils of their parents' habitat. Thus, they appear these days to be native to New Zealand but the evidence also confirms for us the reality and accuracy of the Bible's chronology. This sort of evidence would only be possible in the Last Days that Israel's prophets and Jesus would refer to, "The Days of Noah" in Jesus' words.
Yeshua b'Nazareth, a.k.a., "Jesus of Nazareth", added His clues as to when that crucial stage of Man's chaotic reign on Earth would be curtailed. Although He labelled them as "The Days of Noah" he also spoke of the "Days of Lot". He also explained it would be a period when every nation would seem to be at war within itself, c.f., DRC (Congo), The Sudan, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Spain-Catalonia, Mali, The South Sudan, and even the USA (an unraveling Constitution) and the UK (Brexit). There is strife on a similar basis within institutions like the Roman Catholic Church, The Arab League, The Gulf Cooperation Council and the EU. That is the sort of world-wide situation that means, implicitly from the prophecies in Daniel, the world will have arrived in this designated 'Latter Time'. There are no other historical precedents apart from some regional parallels such as "intermediate periods" between dynasties in Egypt and China or as in Western Europe between circa AD 500-1200.
There are also many international 'issues' that need urgent attention. Plastics in the oceans, or micro-plastics in natural food chains, seem to be the latest pollution problems to have grabbed the headlines. However, other pollutants, even some we are not yet aware of, are also fulfilling what another Biblical Prophet foresaw 2700 years ago in Isaiah 24:5, "The Earth is polluted under its inhabitants". Isaiah wrote that in a context where he fore-saw a time wherein God would intervene in some special way. We know Isaiah may just have witnessed a terrible earthquake in the days of Jewish King Uzziah and was thereby moved by God's Spirit to compose those words for our possibly-last 'generation' before the Messiah of Israel takes over after He defeats Antichrist-666. Isaiah, however, probably had little idea how God's Holy Spirit would use that prophecy for Latter Day believers. We regard these spiritually induced and guided experiences are part of God's Plan (or "Will" or Testimony, Romans 12:2) to declare His Glory, Wisdom and foreknowledge. In turn, God spiritually moves today's believers to understand what is happening vis-a-vis events in our time in their Biblical context of prophecy.
However, one thing these prophets all seemed to be aware of was that as the Days of "Noah" or of "Lot" imply, very few people will be taking any notice of these Biblical texts in those putative 'End-Times'. Which is why one feels it necessary to make the point now. In our survey of churches world-wide they do not really believe the Bible and they certainly ignore its prophecies which is one of the main reasons why we think these crises are Last Days affairs. Oddly enough, this point is shared to some extent, and in some nuances, by many Shiite Islamic sects in their religious civil war with the Salafist (Caliphatic) sects. The Gospel of Mark records that synagogues were discussing the washing of pots and pans (Mark 7:3-5, 9, 13) instead of studying prophecies to see if Jesus of Nazareth was indeed their Messiah. So the modern christendomite churches seem to be making a similar or "parallel" though obviously not identical mistake. In failing to properly teach about the true Christ they are opening up their adherents to being deceived by the imminent Antichrist which was more or less the mistake of Israel in AD 30. Israel accepted Caesar Tiberius instead and give that name to their largest lake.
So why does the Bible now get such a bad rap even in churches? In short, for a parallel reason the Tanaakh (or "Old Testament" in churches) was sidelined by the rabbis controlling the synagogues in Israel between 27-30 AD (or CE). On the other hand, the Bible has long been regarded an important document in world literature. The world's greatest thinkers such as Sir Isaac Newton believed that one could harmonize the Bible with the data we collect from Scientific Investigation, History (or His Story), Archaeological Excavation and other investigative endeavors.
Overall, no one has succeeded in harmonizing the world's existing body of knowledge with the Bible in any generation. However, today there are three primary reasons for continuing failure in this task.
Firstly, one needs to be able to study the Bible in its original language, i.e., Hebrew. Readers misinterpret text because they did or do not base their thinking on the original Hebrew text, relying on translations instead. This is true for the New and Old Testaments. The New Testament has been handed down to us only in Greek manuscripts. Nevertheless, the authors were thinking in Hebrew when they translated into Greek which was the international language of the time. Also, there is little doubt from the literary techniques used in those manuscripts in our possession that Hebrew is the language in the background for the Greek in the New Testament. Furthermore, it is now almost certain they were translated into Greek from a Hebrew draft or scroll. In order to establish what original Hebrew drafts contained requires additional rather more sophisticated analysis. That is not impossible. There is a paper in the files in the URL below where we identify Simon the Pharisee with Simon the Leper and Lazarus (Hebrew, La'Tzaraa or the one who became a leper). Those apparently three different men in the Gospels were the same person but recorded with a different name each time. Sometimes, words supposedly being part of the Greek Lexicon are simply Hebrew words transliterated into Greek letters such as Erevon or Arrabown which the Apostle Paul uses for 'pledge' in two of his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians (Ephesians 1:14, II Corinthians 1:22 and 5:5). Unbeknown to theologians, unless one who does is hiding somewhere, Apostle Paul simply transliterated the Hebrew word for "pledge" in the first few verses of Genesis 38 into their corresponding Greek letters and made that a word in Greek. It is not Greek but because Paul put that new word into his letters, the scholars gave him due respect and added Erevon into the Greek lexicon. It may look like something out of Monty Python but this really did happen. Do a literary analysis of Paul's words in his letters about the Holy Spirit alongside the way Jacob and Tamar held a discussion about bonds or sureties to be given while awaiting payment and the reader will learn exactly why believers since the Cross receive God's Holy Spirit. Unbelievers do not. Therefore they cannot believe until they do. They can find out in other texts what to do to be a believer and then understand the points made here.
Secondly, there is a major problem with chronology in two situations. Evolutionary Theory requires the existence of mankind, plants and animals on this Earth for millions or billions of years. Certainly, the Bible acknowledges a universe and Earth or a 'Mineral' Universe aged anything up to 40 billion years. The Bible clearly states the angels watched God create the Universe. It also notes the Universe later fell into decay after many, but not all, of the angels followed Satan into disobedience perhaps 4.5 billion years ago. The very first man (Adam); that God formed from the dust, the detritus of decayed minerals and rock the result of judgment of Earth following Satan's fall; lived for nearly a millennium. Adam's sons and grandchildren also lived long lives. Only more recently did men age more quickly as the result of compounding genetic decay begun from the Fall of Adam in circa 4000 BC. Only the animal-vegetable environment is about 6000 years old according to Biblical chronology. By counting years as literal we now can estimate Man's presence on this earth at about 6000 years out of some 15-40 billion in the Universe's History.
In human History, chronologists have set false dates for Egyptian pharaohs. For example, the Ramesside kings of Egypt supposedly were contemporary with Israel's Moses in circa 1500 to 1300 BC. But the Ramessides actually ruled Egypt circa 700-550 BC. The rest of Egyptian chronology which is used to establish dates in many other regions' historical chronologies is also in a mess. Chronological errors ranging from 200 to 700 years over the era circa 2200 BC to 500 BC badly distort our understanding of the world's ancient-history (of mankind). Thus, the overall historical context within which the Bible's narrative is studied and analyzed is also compromised or indeed falsified. Obviously these two errors in dating or chronology cause disharmony between the Bible and observed data. But one is accounting for all that in this process of harmonizing science, history, archaeology etc., with the Biblical record taking the lead. One uses the Bible to assist with interpretation of the data. One does not re-interpret the Bible in the light of some new fad in thinking about any such data we unearth.
Thirdly, another factor that is only now becoming apparent, is that the Bible itself in several places clearly states that only in an era termed 'The Last (or Latter) Days' would certain material in the Bible be understood by anyone even if they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Any attempt to understand some Bible verses, no matter how blameless and spiritual a believer was at the time, would fail until the time appointed for them to be understood. Even Daniel got that message. Daniel 12:4, 9 are the best verses making this point. There an angel instructed the Prophet Daniel, famous for surviving a night in a den of ferocious lions, to write down what he was told. He had to write without understanding because the material would only make sense when "travel and education or knowledge" would become a world-wide phenomenon and either 'greatly' increase or just 'increase'. Psalm 78 exhorts Israel and indeed the world to remember the accounts recorded in the Bible. Jacob gave his sons prophecies for them to hold through their generations. One of Job's 'friends' challenged him to look to the ancients for understanding. Even New Zealand's Maori were told to remember the day that the sun and moon stood still when 'Maui' caused the sun to delay its normal course in the sky. The Book of Joshua records the same incident but records it as taking place in the late afternoon instead of early morning in the Maori account.
Thus Aristotle and Plato; their disciples and neophytes; then Augustine, Aquinas, Mohammad, Luther, Kepler and Newton were trying to do something they could not hope to achieve. Instead, what happened was that society developed inappropriate or incorrect frameworks of knowledge or information. With that handicap, they attempted to harmonize Science, History etc., and the Bible within these false frameworks and ran into all sorts of problems. Newton's critics said he in effect proposed a God who is a perfect watch-maker but a lousy repair man. Newton failed to incorporate the fall of the angels and the subsequent pollution of the universe when God had to judge it for angelic disobedience. In Genesis, God tells how he repaired the damage to the Earth.
In the essays on this blog (refer to the labels to the right-hand side of this page) and in the papers archived in the following URL we develop these points in the directories and files therein:
Possibly, we Europeans (and Americans) are mostly at fault for landing this problem on the World. After the fall of the Roman Empire circa AD 450, Europe turned to the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches for governance. The Bible was the governing manifesto. Other parts of the world: in India; China; the non-European-Americas; and some regions in Africa or elsewhere in Asia; many societies were civilized and as normal as could be expected given technological and natural resources available to them. Following Rome's demise, Europe slipped deeper into chaos. The Churches interpreted this as a holding period until Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah or Christ of Israel, returned to Earth to take control of world governance. As the millennium between AD 30 and AD 1030 progressed, the prevailing 'European' view became the norm. The rest of the world avidly watched Europe as being the inheritor of the fallen Roman System which it in turn anticipated would rise again according to Biblical Prophecy. Scholars and observers grossly underestimate the extent to which ancient nations had an appreciation of the role of ancient Israel and her 'Scriptures' or "Oracles of God" as the Apostle Paul described them.
Much world history since the demise of Rome needs to be seen in that light. International diplomacy today, in these early years of the new century and millennium, turns on this anticipation.
Europe's understanding of 'The Millennium'
Especially in the last 2-3 centuries of that millennium (AD 30-1030), the prevailing view was that the world was already in the Millennium mentioned in the The Book or Revelation. It would be the last before Jesus of Nazareth would return from Heaven to take the reins of world government. Therefore, the expectation grew by AD 1030 that Jesus would return on the 1000th anniversary of His Ascension to Heaven. In England, from AD 1066, King William of Normandy even surveyed his newly acquired kingdom in order to produce a stock-take of his realm's assets for the returning Messiah he believed he served.Jesus' no-show in AD 1030 prompted Europe to return Jerusalem and Israel into Christendom's hands so its Roman Catholic popes launched several crusades to achieve that. All in the false belief, based on very poor and unsystematic theology, that Revelation's Millennium of AD 30-1030 was effectively extended because Jesus' servants had left His capital city and the former state of Israel (circa 1445 BC - AD 70) in the hands of the Muslims. In fact, the rise of Islam was a product of Christendom's theological and spiritual corruption that was rife by AD 700. The theological chaos prompted an Edomite Arab named Mohammad (of the Hejaz, Mecca and Medina-Yathrub-Jethro) to reconstruct 'Christianity' or Christendom or God's Kingdom as he thought it should be practised. Mohammad used Greek philosophy, Post-temple Era Judaism as practised via the Talmud, Arab custom and the Bible to concoct a 'reformed' religion. In some ways he pre-figured Martin Luther. Like the renegade Roman Catholic priest, Mohammad only succeeded in presenting yet another, although much worse, variation of true Christianity. Luther's virulent anti-Semitism, extreme in its character even in the context of his own rather nasty era in that regard, compromised some otherwise constructive criticisms he had of Roman Catholicism - the church, congregation or synagogue that wielded considerable political and military power and status at the time.
'The Crusades', circa AD 1000 to 1300, failed in their main objective. There was no sign of Jesus by AD 1200 even after nearly a century with Jerusalem and many parts of ancient Israel in Crusader hands. Thus, a new form of thinking surfaced in Europe. This period is referred to as The Renaissance or Re-birth or Re-thinking. This led to new attempts at investigating what the Bible really was telling us. This aspect became known as "The Reformation". By and large, this had become a European task as other parts of the world were dominated by competing philosophies or religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Paganism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Animism, Shintoism, latterly Islam and of course Secularism and her fellow travelers of evolutionism and materialism. Many within the churches' educational and investigative institutions were Aristotelians of one sort or another or followers of Plato. But, by AD 1600, Johannes Kepler, then later Newton, helped lead Europe out of philosophical and theological chaos. In 1608, Nicholas Byfield realized that Jesus was not returning to Earth until the Jews had accepted Him and were in control of their ancient homeland in Israel. Byfield realized the Crusades were a wasted endeavour.
But between 1618 and 1648, Europe fell into a civil war much like the one currently dividing modern Islam and destroying its societies. The causes of this 'Thirty Years War' were quite similar to the current dilemmas modern Islam faces. Much of the fighting in Europe then, and in Muslim countries now, was about how we govern society. In Europe's 17th Century situation, in the wake of the failure of Christendom, there was a concerted attempt at secularizing governance. In modern Islam's situation because of an expectation amongst Shias and others that their messiah (or mahdi, from the ancient Egyptian 'maat' or the one who brings order out of chaos) is on the way, it should be the mahdi who will re-organize world governance. Whereas the Sunnis and others, such as some Taliban and Wahabis, believe that as Muslims they should be introducing modern-day versions of the Caliphate for world governance beginning, presumably, with already extant Muslim states such as Iran and Turkey. There is little common ground on this as demonstrated in Turkey where they also fight about which version, c.f., between Mr Erdogan's version of the caliphate or the Gulanists'. In Europe of those days, as with Islam now, old power structures had to fall and power-vacuums appeared. In Europe, or The West, the union of Church and State (Theocracy) between circa AD 100-1600, or certainly since Rome's fall, had not worked. Many people then correctly thought there should never have been such a system of governance. God had only mandated 'Theocracy' for Israel between Moses (1500 BC) and Jesus (7 BC to AD 30) and only for governance of the tiny Holy Land of 'Israel' and presumably only until the Millennial Messianic Kingdom comes into being. Ancient Israel's 'Mosaic' regime never stretched beyond a small sliver of territory from Sinai to the Lebanese border and from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. Even England had a county (Yorkshire) almost as large! But that small space of land in the Middle East (mid-west for the Chinese and other Asians) eked out of the League of Nations' Mandate of greater Palestine for the tiny modern state of Israel, was enough for God to work out many physical blessings for the Israelite nation in order to witness God's goodness even to fallen mankind who had so insulted Him there in Eden. But Roman Europe believed it had to become a theocracy in order to replace, or re-institute, Israel's theocracy. That was until a bit of sense began to prevail in the wake of the 'Reformation' and 'Westphalia'.
After the Treaty of Westphalia which halted Europe's "Thirty Years (Civil-) War", the sub-continent moved to separate Church from State. Wrongly, however, it also began to separate Science from Theology which until then had been "The Queen of Sciences". Others describe this as the separation of Faith from Reason. Thus Europe lurched from Christendom's false integration of knowledge and the Bible and into unadulterated Secularism. In that new system, government would henceforth be run on lines of reason, not faith; science (and engineering), not theology. 'Religious' matters, or issues of the Soul and Spirit, would be left to the churches, synagogues, mosques, masonic halls, other temples and perhaps even universities. Henceforth, Government and tasks like managing infrastructure development, health services, education, defence, policing, regulation etc., would not be affected by theological considerations. Hindu India, Islamic Asia and Africa, Pagan countries, Shintoist Japan (until the mid 19th Century) did retain a fusion of science and governance with 'religion'. Confucian China and Buddhist lands maintained their fusions of Philosophy and Governance and Science but Europe by AD 1700 was well on the way to separating or indeed isolating 'religion' from science and governance. Hence some of the collision courses we are now observing. What Europe really needed to do was to find the proper fusions that need to operate within Theology, Science and Governance to replace its improper fissions. But it decided it had enough trouble finding any such way. So Europe went for for the jugular of near-absolute secularism. This developed into the Paradigm of Secular Humanist Evolutionist Materialism (S.H.E.M-itism).
Anyway, from the mid 17th Century, with some early official exploratory sea voyages by the likes of Abel Tasman and James Cook, this S.H.E.M-itism began to be exported abroad. Today, the whole world is dominated by secular government. That is mostly true, except in Muslim countries; or perhaps in some odd places like Buddhist Myanamar (Burma); where the struggles Europe had particularly in the first half of the 17th Century are only just beginning. The Thirty Years War and Islam's civil wars today are the result of an inappropriate combination of Theology and Science, or a confused fusion of Faith and Reason.
Unfortunately for the Secular Governance Model current events around the world are throwing spanners in the works. Problems seem to be compounding. Some unexpected developments are adding to build new and potentially unmanageable crises. It is those crises we think the Bible warned us of. Unfortunately, the Bible is now widely disregarded. Even in churches, ministers only teach the bits that suit them or which fit with mostly narcissistic sentiments complementary with our modern secular environment. Thus very few people, even in Universities and Bible Colleges, are any longer seriously studying The Bible's History, Prophecy and Theology from correct chronological, cultural (a.k.a., Hebrew Perspective), literal-lingusitic or sometimes cryptic perspectives (c.f., Daniel 12:4 & 9). Even though the degradation in the genomes of every species is now obvious under their microscopes, the scientists still insist we are evolving toward greater things and the conquest of the universe. The world is overheating for reasons also only explained by reference to the Bible's record of environmental and geological History. Israel is emerging to play the central role (as bad kid on the block) in world history as predicted by the Bible in the last few years before the Second Coming. That gets super-critical after the true believing Church of the Christ is raptured into Heaven to rescue 'The Body' from the Apocalypse and related events that span perhaps a decade or so before the Messiah's actual return to Ground Zero.
By accessing the material in the associated essays on this blog and in the URL below readers can follow our arguments for a new harmony between the Bible and knowledge. We use the Bible to explain the data. The world has been reinterpreting the Bible to fit current fashions in knowledge as Christendom and Islam have been doing. But we are using the Bible to explain how to fit the current events around us into a sensible Biblical framework. With that framework, one can unravel God's Good, Perfect and Acceptable Will or Plan for the World after about six thousand years (or six days) of folly brought on by Adam's rebellion in Eden which is now a vast pool of oil under the ancient realm of Babel, Ur and Babylon now administered by Arabs, Iranians, Emirates, Iraqis, Aramco, etc., etc.
Summarizing the crises since Westphalia
The research papers mentioned above mainly cover problems with paradigms in three main areas or the Three E's and C's:
Firstly in Egyptology and Chronology, the standard view that about 30 dynasties of pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt between circa 2900 BC and the Roman era (circa 50 BC) needs to be replaced. In our papers we point to about only 7 or 8 real dynasties between circa 2200 and 550 BC actually ruled Egypt. For long periods there was either chaos verging on anarchy or governance involving minor kings of one sort or another including large-city mayors or priest-kings. This means, for instance, the 18th and 19th Dynasties ruled Egypt between circa 1000 and 600 BC rather than between circa 1500 and 1100 BC. It means, for instance, the Bible's "Queen of Shera" actually was Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt and Ethiopia the then united kingdoms of the Nile River. She was the "Queen of the South" that Jesus of Nazareth referred to. Hopefully that gives the reader an idea of the scope or magnitude of the problem we are dealing with here.
The Second area lies in that of the modern religion of Environmentalism and Climate Change. Environmentalism is essentially the religion of the first chapter of the Book of Romans where the created order begins to worship the Creation without any longer believing in and indeed publicly rejecting the Creator. That is despite considerable scientific evidence of the last two decades supporting the Bible's view of origins. Specifically, in Environmentalism, we point to the strong likelihood the globe is indeed getting significantly warmer, over and above any long-term cycles in temperature change we may have observed. But that extra warmth is due to factors involving the alteration of constituents of the Earth's atmosphere since the Noahic Flood recorded in the Bible and dated therein at circa 2500 BC. Consequently, the environmental equilibrium between the Sun's energy and the atmosphere that operated before the Flood fell into disorder. Thus, the globe has been importing more energy than it uses and storing the balance in its core. The Earth has not been radiating enough heat back into space since then. The extra heat, absorbed in the Earth's core, is causing the kettle to boil deep inside the Earth so that we are now experiencing melting ice caps, more rain, more tornadoes and hurricanes, more volcanos and earthquakes.
Thirdly, NASA and the European Space Agency are both now telling us the early life forms that were supposed to have evolved in the soups of the primal and volcanic early Earth did not evolve there after all. They were ferried here by comets from other parts of the Universe, even from beyond the event-horizon out there which is the region in Time and Space beyond which we cannot see. The whole Theory of Evolution is now a mere Idea and not a proper scientific investigation at all! In the field of genetics, we now know every human is descended from a female ape who mutated in her mitochondria about 250,000 or 150,000 years ago. We contend that female was the "Eve" of Genesis in the Bible and she was a Human Woman. The Creator formed her from Adam's body six thousand years ago. At that time God formatted the entire environment from the minerals and dust or detritus formed after the Earth's descent into disorder and chaos after the fall of the angels who had inhabited the Universe and enjoyed its delights for possibly billions of years before Man's creation. The Bible teaches that God created the Universe when the angels were already in existence and they were the beings who first delighted in it. Until some of them followed Satan in his act of rebellion possibly 4.5 billion years ago if our readings from radiometry are accurate. And we see no reason they should not suggest these dates.
Don Stewart Researcher, http://donstewartresearcher.com/book
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Wellington, New Zealand, July 2021
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